Monthly Archives: July 2019

Is King Arthur a real character?

For many, the stories of King Arthur of Camelot are nothing strange. It was the legendary king who led the British forces (including the Round Table Knights whom he had great confidence in) in the battles against Saxon invaders in the early 6th century A.D. But is King Arthur a real or just mythical Celtic hero?

Although he has been arguing for hundreds of years, historians still cannot confirm whether King Arthur really exists. He does not appear in the only surviving source of the Saxon invasion, in which the author is Gildas, a Celtic priest, writes about a real battle at Mons Badonicus (Badon hill) around 500 AD Several hundred years later, Arthur first appeared in the writings of a Welsh historian named Nennius, who listed 12 battles that the king was supposed to have fought. All battles originate in Welsh poetry, and they take place in so many different places and times that a human being cannot participate in all the battles.

Other Welsh writers were later inspired by Nennius’ work, and King Arthur’s fame spread outside Wales and the Celt region, especially after the Normandy conquest of 1066. linking England with northern France. In the famous 12th-century book “History of the Kings of Britain”, Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote the first story of King Arthur’s life, describing the bar. His swordsmanship is Caliburn (later known as Excalibur), loyal knight Lancelot, Queen Guinevere, and Merlin. The book is an intriguing combination of myth and reality, and is thought to be based on a lost Celtic manuscript that only Geoffrey can read.

A series of works by the French poet Chrétien de Troyes gave Arthur a sacred mission by giving him the task of finding the mysterious Holy Grail. Although Arthur may not be real, his legendary power is increasingly strong over time. Many British kings from Henry VIII to Queen Victoria took advantage of the legend of King Arthur for political purposes, while countless writers, painters, photographers, filmmakers, and other artists were all created their own versions of Arthur’s stories for posterity.





King Arthur II content: Dead Legions

King Arthur II content: Dead Legions is announced by the manufacturer to be “darker” than the first part with the rise of the dark army. The life-threatening giants of innocent people and the world needs a hero to stand up to dominate the human race to escape destruction.

The game is redeveloped with larger-scale battles, more crowds and enemies that will surely be stronger. Gamers will be able to customize the camera to change the viewing angle, the animations are modified and replaced for smoothness and accompanying instructions specific to each part. Graphics in the game have also been upgraded a lot. The image of the fields stretching until the horizon or the sea reflecting the glittering sun were all reproduced with realism and vividness. Military unit models in the game are designed in detail and clear, even when the player adjusts the camera to get close to the battlefield. The sound is built on epic schools.


After making a lot of buzz in the gaming community thanks to King Arthur’s breakthrough game, combining magic, history elements with Total War-style tactics, Neocore was eyeing. As a result, this Hungarian free-game team was eventually agreed by Paradox Interactive to sign a contract to release a sequel to the King Arthur strategy game.

Zoltan Pozsonyi, head of production King Arthur II for Neocore Games proudly declares: “We are honored to be associated with Paradox’s release team to build King Arthur II. We are considering testing all the features of this version. With a completely new and different storyline accompanied by classic battles, expect fans to put on the game will be met”.

With a much darker plot than what people often know about King Arthur’s name: The Role Playing War Game, King Arthur II opens with the rise of the dark army. The life-threatening giant demons of so many innocent people. Each soldier fell, the heroes who stood up to fight back were also hard to stop the nearly endless number of enemies. The world needs a hero to stand up to dominate the human race to escape destruction. And that’s nobody else, it’s the player.