Monthly Archives: June 2019

King Arthur: Fallen Champions

King Arthur: Fallen Champions – The return of NeoCore king is gradually gaining high rankings in the list of the most popular games today.

The story of Fallen Champions will not be rambling but immediately goes to the main problem. Around the invasion of England, the game takes you into the role of three heroes in the rebellion of Arthur: Knight Sir Lionel, Drest magician, and witch Lady Corrigan.

During the campaign, the player will change the position between the three characters when completing the mission. Depending on each character, the goals and requirements will be different.

With Lionel, this knight fights to find his lover from the kidnappers, Drest offers himself to protect the Picts, while Lady Corrigan tries to find a way back to the spiritual world. Compared to the previous version,  seems more colorful.


The mission system of the game through the three main characters is also quite diverse.

For a knight, killing is, of course, the main thing to be able to complete the mission. On the contrary, Corrigan only needed to use his magic, hiding around the enemy while Drest’s mission was a combination of both.

The terrain in the game includes hills, rivers, forests, castles, etc. These factors contribute to players adding “headaches” when arranging tactics so that it is reasonable.

The armies are always controlled in a reasonable and accurate way. The only weakness of AI is probably too easy to guess. Only a few times you play, you will soon learn how to control your hero’s command. Anyway, it is impossible to ask too much for AI because they are simply machines.






Arthur game on mobile

The heat of King Arthur movie does not only spread across the movie domain, but it also shoots to Mobile platform with an extremely unique mobile game. The title is very short, Arthur, this version of Mobile for gamers to immerse themselves in the simple but playable, not colorful, but ensure the taste of a true Fight Club on mobile.

For Honor, a one-time slump of For Honor – one of Ubisoft‘s best-selling titles in 2017, is falling freely after being accused of a blood-sucking incident. Arthur focuses on team fights in narrow spaces, where gamers have to apply different attack mechanisms to oppose enemies. There the player can execute cross-shot punches, jump-jumps or hit the backward target. But the good point of the game is how to integrate the player’s movements with the character, giving them a horizontal or vertical stroke.

However, in Arthur, there is no way you can hit the screen because each attack will only be useful for each combat situation. For example, with a long crowd, you just need to swipe back and forth until they are submerged on the ground, but with thick armored arms and shields, you have to perform continuous combos to disarm your hands. The image of kicking an opponent backwards and then kicking the shield straight into the head will bring a “sloppy” feeling that is rarely seen in film-based games.

Graphics is also a plus point for Arthur when most of the games are in line “through the speakers”. However, shaping the character of this version of the game still shows the soul of the main character, showing a definitive and powerful movement in each phase. The character model is also shown in great detail, giving players a sense of the vitality of each name in the King Arthur movie version.