Plugin can be used for publishing news simply on the website. In contrast to a blog, commenting is not possible, but visitors can subscribe for newsletter. News posts are available not only on the website, you can also send them by email to the subscribed users.
The plugin combines blog and newsletter functionality. The main difference is that it is simpler and contains only the most necessary functions. That makes it easier to upload new contents and notify subscribers.
Main features
- Managing posts
- Managing categories
- Managing subscribers
- Support the SEO
- Support the GDPR
- Export & Import data
- Statistics and graphs
- Send newsletter
- Detailed mail logs
- Front-end forms
- Back-end widgets
- Available extensions
- Innovative solutions
Statistics and graphs
- Graph - Posts in this year
- Graph - Posts in last year
- List - TOP 20 view posts
- List - TOP 10 longest posts
- List - TOP 10 shortest posts
Advanced SEO support
You can enable this feature on the Settings > CMS > News & Newsletter page. If you use it, you should replace the title and meta description tags with the following lines:
<title>{% if post.seo_title %}{{ post.seo_title }}{% elseif %}{{ }}{% else %}{{ }}{% endif %}</title> <meta name="description" content="{% if post.seo_desc %}{{ post.seo_desc }}{% elseif %}{{ }}{% else %}{{ }}{% endif %}"> {% if post.seo_image %}<meta property="og:image" content="{{ post.seo_image|media }}">{% endif %}
Additional SEO Configuration
Additionally, the following has been introduced for better SEO
- A canonical URL specification tag
- The use of the default post image as the seo image
- A list of meta keywords made up of from post category and tags, the user adds to their post.
Along side the snippet above, you can add the following code the head of your theme files.
<link rel="canonical" href="{{ }}"> <link rel="image_src" href="{{|media }}"> <meta name="keywords" content="{{ }}">
You should include the meta_image_src
only you don't use the post seo image to avoid confusion.
Automatic statistics
You just add the "Post content" front-end component to the page, where the post appears. If you are logged in as administrator, the counter will not grow. It works any cases, when the visitors open the post details.
Preview feature
You just add the "Post content" front-end component to the current page. If you modify a news, the "Preview" link appears along the left of the delete icon. If you are logged in as administrator, you can read the hidden and draft news too.
Quick navigation
If you modify any content, one or two arrows appear along the right of the delete icon. There are the navigation links. You can simply go to the previous or next content.
Available widgets
- Post statistics
- Subscriber statistics
- List of TOP posts
- List of new posts
- Graph - Mail events
- Graph - Mail summary
Available components
Use the Components > News panel in CMS menu. At this moment there are the following components:
- Display posts
- Post content
- Subscriber form
- Unsubscribe form
Useful extensions
Supported plugins
Available languages
- en - English
- de - Deutsch
- ru - Pу́сский
- hu - Magyar
- pl - Polski
- pt - Português
- vn - Vietnamese
- zh-TW - Taiwanese, Traditional Chinese
More premium plugins
- Content Plus - Complete solution for Blog, News, Portfolio, Slideshow and Testimonials in one plugin. Many features and client-friendly interface.
- Backend Elite - Use amazing back-end features and fresh dashboard widgets. Gzip compression, CMS cleaner, right-click menu, etc.
- Login Page - Customize your back-end login page! You can change the background color or image, hide the logo or slogan and so on...
- Hospitality - This is the complete hospitality plugin with booking table, quick reservation and menu features. Manage your restaurant or cafe easily.
More free plugins
- Backend Plus - Extend the back-end to some features and widgets.
- Developer Tools - Edit plugins with the online code editor.
- Front-end Plugins - List of components which are use in front-end.
- Blog Stats & Graphs - Extended the Blog with graphs and widgets.
- User Plus - Extend the RainLab User plugin to some new fields.
- Paste Content - Paste snippets or HTML blocks to the CMS or plugins.
- Quick Edit - Edit easily the CMS pages via dashboard widget.
- Popup Manager - Easy to manage popups and collect subscribers.
- Photography - Manage your photos and photo equipment easily.
The following plugins extend or depend on the plugin

News & Newsletter PDF generation
Integrates DynamicPDF into Newsletter and News to attach/generate PDF's to a post.
News & Newsletter PDF generation
Integrates DynamicPDF into Newsletter and News to attach/generate PDF's to a post.

News Page Views
Extension for page views to the Indikator.News plugin.
News Page Views
Extension for page views to the Indikator.News plugin.

Chinese language pack for Indikator.News plug-ins
Chinese language pack for Indikator.News plug-ins
The following theme uses this plugin
- Go to the Settings > Updates & Plugins page in the Backend.
- Click on the Install plugins button.
- Type the News text in the search field.
HTML template variables
For post
- {{ posts }} - List of posts in array
- {{ posts.render|raw }} - Build-in pagination
- {{ post.title }} - Title of post
- {{ post.slug }} - Slug of post
- {{ post.image|media }} - Full url of post image
- {{ post.introductory|raw }} - Summary of post
- {{ post.content|raw }} - Content of post
- {{ post.published_at }} - Published date of post
- {{ post.category }} - ID of category (0: no category selected)
- {{ post.tags }} - List of tags in array
- {{ post.seo_title }} - SEO title
- {{ post.seo_keywords }} - SEO keywords
- {{ post.seo_desc }} - SEO description
- {{ post.seo_image|media }} - Full url of image
- {{ post.status }} - Status of post (1: published, 2: hide, 3: draft)
- {{ post.featured }} - Is post featured? (1: yes, 2: no)
- {{ }} - First post created after current post
- {{ post.prev() }} - Last post before current post
For category
- {{ categories }} - List of categories in array
- {{ }} - Name of category
- {{ category.slug }} - Slug of category
- {{ category.image|media }} - Full url of category image
- {{ category.content|raw }} - Content of category
- {{ category.status }} - Status of post (1: published, 2: hide)
- {{ category.hidden }} - Is category hidden? (1: yes, 2: no)
For user (Backend User)
All attributes and methods available in Backend\Models\User
are accesible via {{ post.user }}. Examples:
- {{ post.user.first_name }} - Post author first name (attribute)
- {{ }} - Post author email (attribute)
- {{ post.user.getFullNameAttribute }} - Post author full name (method)
- {{ post.user.getAvatarThumb }} - Public path to author avatar (method)
Checkout the Backend\Models\User
interface and attributes for all possibilities.
Mail template variables
- {{ name }} - Name of subscriber
- {{ email }} - E-mail of subscriber
- {{ title }} - Title of post
- {{ slug }} - Slug of post
- {{ introductory }} - Introductory of post
- {{ summary }} - Alias of introductory
- {{ plaintext }} - Introductory without HTML elements
- {{ content }} - Content of post
- {{ image }} - Relative path of post image
You can customize the layout of emails in the Settings > Mail > Mail templates page.
Add backend widgets
- Go to the Dashboard page in the Backend.
- Click on the Manage widgets > Add widget button.
- Select the any News widgets from the list.
- October CMS v1.0.420 or newer version.
- AJAX Framework is needed for the subscription form to work.
- Special thanks to TimFoerster
- Good-looking chart: Morris.js
- Graphics library: Raphaël JS
BOYARD Nicolas
Found the plugin not useful on 16 Jul, 2020
For the newsletter subscription functionality, the form asks for user's
. What's the point in this? Can't say I remember any newsletter subscription asking for the name.Regarding your answer to CT.Ben about styling a component (by which I think he meant template), I think the official approach is to override the partial by creating a file in your theme:
where form-alias is the alias you gave to the component when importing it in your page or layout:{% component 'newsSubscribe' %}
-> newsSubscribe being the default alias of the component. So I copy pasted the plugin partial into my overriding partial, removed the "name" input field, but then I get an error on submission saying this field is required...So I override the subscription method by copy-pasting the onSubscription function from the
into my layout's code section, remove the validation rule for the name, now I have a error regarding DB constraintIntegrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'name' cannot be null
.I'm new to OctoberCMS so in my knowledge I don't see any way of altering the migration file before it is run or having a custom migration file to reverse that.
TLDR: can you update the plugin to NOT show&require the "name" field by default, and add a checkbox into the component popup for showing/hiding it. This is blocking me from using this plugin.
Found the plugin useful on 4 Jun, 2020
Very nice plugin but there seems to be an issue with the categories - after creating more than one, only the first one is visible when adding subscribers or editing a post. After removing a category it is still visible when creating subscribers. "Copy content to newsletter content" does not seems to work either.
Found the plugin useful on 15 May, 2020
Tnx for this nice plugin . but i have a question about tags . when i write some tags in some news . it dont filter related posts with same tags in tag search pages . it sort whole post in that page and not related to selected tag . can you help me ?
Endi Hariadi
Found the plugin useful on 15 Apr, 2020
Asking for a suggestion, I had difficulty adjusting the pagination elements. This is my code
<div class="col-md-12 justify-content-center d-inline-flex" > <ul class="pagination"> <li class="page-item"> {{ posts.render|raw }} </li> </ul> </div>
but I get a pagination that is not what I want, this is the appearance
Found the plugin useful on 2 Mar, 2020
Hello! how do I get the last one added from the database?
Szabó Gergő author
Replied on 9 Mar, 2020
The php code: $last = \Indikator\News\Models\Posts::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();
If you have more questions, please use the Github page of plugin: -
Dmitriy Suravikin
Found the plugin useful on 19 Jul, 2019
Hi! Can I make subscribe form without categories? Now, I have an error, when I tring to subscribe without categories. With categories it's all ok
Szabó Gergő author
Replied on 9 Mar, 2020
Hi, The category selection is optional for the subscribe form.
If you have more questions, please use the Github page of plugin: -
Thierry Parlier
Found the plugin useful on 10 May, 2019
Hi. Sorry to disturb but thank first for your plugin. I'm new to octobercms and it help me greatly for understand how to implement function in front end :)
In components/posts.php at line 53, replace
if (!BackendAuth::check()) { NewsPost::where('slug', $slug)->increment('statistics'); }
by if (!BackendAuth::check()) { if ( false == $slug ) { $slug = ''; }
NewsPost::where('slug', $slug)->increment('statistics'); }because trying to put a boolean in a string get an mysql error Thanks.
Szabó Gergő author
Replied on 9 Mar, 2020
Hi, Thank you for report it. This issue has been fixed.
Found the plugin useful on 10 Dec, 2018
Добрый день! Пожалуйста, подскажите как можно прикрепить файлы (file Attachments) ?
Szabó Gergő author
Replied on 10 Dec, 2018
There is no option to attach file directly. The only way to use the wysiwyg editor or pay the Content Plus plugin.
Salawu Nandjim
Found the plugin useful on 18 Oct, 2018
Bonjour chers tous, Lorsque j'essaie d'ajouter une nouvelle post dans mon backend, j'ai cette erreur qui s'affiche ci-dessous. Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider ?
Hello dear, When I try to add a new post in my backend, I have this error that appears below. Can anyone help me ?
\wampserver\www\ma\modules\backend\classes\FormTabs.php line 94
EXCEPTION Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError
if (array_key_exists('suppressTabs', $config)) { $this->suppressTabs = $config['suppressTabs']; } if (array_key_exists('cssClass', $config)) { $this->cssClass = $config['cssClass']; } if (array_key_exists('paneCssClass', $config)) { $this->paneCssClass = $config['paneCssClass']; } }
Szabó Gergő author
Replied on 27 Nov, 2018
Hello! Please create a topic on the forum or open an issue on the Github.
Found the plugin useful on 25 Sep, 2018
Hi, is there planned some fields like post author based on current logged in user or something like this?
Szabó Gergő author
Replied on 14 Nov, 2018
Thank you for your idea! I added Author field to the form. Please update the plugin.
Found the plugin useful on 4 Sep, 2018
The mail is not sent after an user subscribes to newsletter. Can you help me?
Szabó Gergő author
Replied on 14 Nov, 2018
Do you use PHP mailer? Please send more information by email or create an issue on Github.
Found the plugin useful on 18 Jun, 2018
Hi. I have problem after update plugin to version 1.9.4. When i go to cms page in backend i get error:
Cannot use Indikator\News\Models\Categories as Categories because the name is already in use /home/sambiaho/public_html/plugins/indikator/news/components/Subscribe.php line 4
Help me please
Szabó Gergő author
Replied on 18 Jun, 2018
Hi, Thank you for report the issue. Please send me an email and give more information about bug. What are the version of October and News plugin? Do you use the any component of plugin?
Nick Rahlov
Found the plugin useful on 28 Jan, 2018
Hello, for some reason, sending of a post to subscribers fails. I use SMTP with TLS verification. Subscriber-Form works well and I can send a test-newsletter to my Email, but other Emails dont get through. My contactform works well too and there are no other problems, but something is wrong with sending the post to a subscriber. I tried some real email-adresses with .de and .ru ... failed. Do you have some idea? On your test-site i tried to send some posts and they failed too.
Matiss Janis Aboltins
Found the plugin useful on 8 Apr, 2017
This is an amazing plugin. Thank you for releasing it for free!
Fabio Cidral
Found the plugin not useful on 30 Jan, 2017
I am trying to using this plugin and I did not understand how to make the subscriber form following the documentation.
After push the button subscription, just the url of the page has changed:
Any help here, please?
Szabó Gergő author
Replied on 1 Feb, 2017
The Subscriber form component works perfectly. Do you insert the {% framework extras %} line to the source code of default layout? See the documentation:
Mirko Lečić
Found the plugin useful on 25 Aug, 2016
When I try to install this plugin, I get this error:
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1067 Invalid default value for 'published_at' (SQL: create table
int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,title
varchar(100) not null,slug
varchar(100) not null,introductory
text not null,content
text not null,published_at
timestamp default 0 not null,send
varchar(1) not null default '1',status
varchar(1) not null default '1',statistics
varchar(8) not null default '0',created_at
timestamp null,updated_at
timestamp null) default character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci engine = InnoDB)" on line 662 of C:\wamp64\www\october\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Connection.phpHow to fix this? Thanks
Found the plugin useful on 8 Jun, 2016
How I can do form for subscribers?
Szabó Gergő author
Replied on 13 Jul, 2016
Here the example (this is the default front-end form component):
Found the plugin useful on 23 May, 2016
I have 2 questions:
- how to style this component?
- when i run on sub path (ex. http://localhost/project), image of news will made worng url path how to edit?
Szabó Gergő author
Replied on 26 May, 2016
- Put the content of components/posts/default.htm instead of {% component 'posts' %} after that you can change the html layout.
- Use the similar code for display image: <img src="{{ post.image|media }}" alt="{{ post.title }}">
Found the plugin useful on 23 Oct, 2015
View statistics us not working!
Szabó Gergő author
Replied on 10 Nov, 2015
Thank you for reporting this issue! I fixed it and I updated the plugin.
Aljohn De Guzman
Found the plugin useful on 15 Sep, 2015
This is useful. However, you may add some additional fields such as author of the certain article and maybe categories of the news
Filip Pacurar
Found the plugin not useful on 21 Aug, 2015
This plugin is not finished, mail variables are not available in the editor (i had to modify the source in order to send the post content). Please fix this... the plugin needs to be finished or less advanced users won't know how to use this plugin.
Szabó Gergő author
Replied on 23 Aug, 2015
Thank you for your remarks. I am developing this plugin continuously, so it can be used for any webpages. If you find a bug, please open the new issue on Github and I will fix it.
1.12.2 |
Added Vietnamese translation. Aug 08, 2022 |
1.12.1 |
Added Tag list component. Jul 14, 2022 |
1.12.0 |
!!! New configuration was added. If you had no categories enabled or non set, you need to disable newsletter_subscriber_categories Apr 26, 2022 |
1.11.9 |
Fixed the email sending bug. Sep 10, 2021 |
1.11.8 |
Fixed bug showing the previous and next post Jul 24, 2020 |
1.11.7 |
Improved the frontend components. Apr 24, 2020 |
1.11.6 |
Improved the list filters. Apr 18, 2020 |
1.11.5 |
Minor UI and database improvements. Feb 12, 2020 |
1.11.4 |
Minor improvements and bugfixes. Oct 04, 2019 |
1.11.3 |
Added additional fields that are copied when cloning a post. Aug 10, 2019 |
1.11.2 |
Added permission to Dashboard widgets. May 10, 2019 |
1.11.1 |
Fixed the issue about new fields. Apr 04, 2019 |
1.11.0 |
Added SEO fields to news. Mar 08, 2019 |
1.10.9 |
Minor improvements and bugfix. Dec 06, 2018 |
1.10.8 |
Added optional tags list for News. Nov 28, 2018 |
1.10.7 |
Added new options for Settings. Nov 14, 2018 |
1.10.6 |
Improved the mail statistics of user. Oct 24, 2018 |
1.10.5 |
Minor UI and code improvements. Oct 18, 2018 |
1.10.4 |
Adding custom newsletter content Oct 16, 2018 |
1.10.3 |
Minor UI improvements. Sep 12, 2018 |
1.10.2 |
Added quick statistics for lists. Aug 14, 2018 |
1.10.1 |
Improved the UI and widgets. Jul 26, 2018 |
1.10.0 |
Plugin is now GDPR conform. Jul 16, 2018 |
1.9.6 |
Added cloning feature. Jun 16, 2018 |
1.9.5 |
Added Português translation. May 20, 2018 |
1.9.4 |
Added Categories component and minor improvements. Apr 24, 2018 |
1.9.3 |
Added show only translated posts option. Jan 30, 2018 |
1.9.2 |
Added HTML variables to docs. Jan 02, 2018 |
1.9.1 |
Minor improvements and bugfix. Dec 22, 2017 |
1.9.0 |
Added categories feature. Dec 20, 2017 |
1.8.6 |
!!! Reworked again the sending newsletter feature. Nov 24, 2017 |
1.8.5 |
Added more options for Settings page. Sep 28, 2017 |
1.8.4 |
Added the preview feature for posts. Sep 18, 2017 |
1.8.3 |
Fixed the sending bug and added new settings. Sep 14, 2017 |
1.8.2 |
Minor improvements and bugfix. Sep 12, 2017 |
1.8.1 |
Reworked sending newsletter and resend feature. Aug 30, 2017 |
1.8.0 |
Adding feature of logging newsletters. Aug 30, 2017 |
1.7.8 |
Improved the list of Subscribers. Aug 16, 2017 |
1.7.7 |
Added Featured column and minor bugfix. Jul 18, 2017 |
1.7.6 |
Added two brand new report widgets. Jul 12, 2017 |
1.7.5 |
Redesigned the report widgets. Jul 10, 2017 |
1.7.4 |
Added the multilingual subscription. Jun 20, 2017 |
1.7.3 |
Post view statistics now automatic. May 18, 2017 |
1.7.2 |
Translated the front-end components. May 18, 2017 |
1.7.1 |
Added Deutsch translation. May 18, 2017 |
1.7.0 |
Added unsubscribe feature. May 18, 2017 |
1.6.2 |
Added new icon for main navigation. May 02, 2017 |
1.6.1 |
Added the Length column for Post list. Jan 28, 2017 |
1.6.0 |
Added the sending test email feature. Jan 26, 2017 |
1.5.8 |
Added featured filtering on PostList. Jan 12, 2017 |
1.5.7 |
Fixed the statistics columns sorting. Jan 06, 2017 |
1.5.6 |
Added the Import/Export feature. Nov 04, 2016 |
1.5.5 |
Support the SiteSearch plugin. Oct 28, 2016 |
1.5.4 |
Minor improvements. Oct 12, 2016 |
1.5.3 |
Added 404 support to component. Oct 08, 2016 |
1.5.2 |
SEO support for front-end component. Sep 12, 2016 |
1.5.1 |
Improved the front-end components. Sep 08, 2016 |
1.5.0 |
Added translation support for slug. Sep 06, 2016 |
1.4.8 |
Added more post statistics. Aug 14, 2016 |
1.4.7 |
Added the Statistics page. Aug 10, 2016 |
1.4.6 |
Fixed the post view issue. Aug 02, 2016 |
1.4.5 |
Minor improvements and bugfix. Jul 26, 2016 |
1.4.4 |
Added the image column to post list. Jul 12, 2016 |
1.4.3 |
Added the daterange filters for lists. Jul 02, 2016 |
1.4.2 |
Minor UI improvements. May 30, 2016 |
1.4.1 |
Support the Sitemap plugin. May 26, 2016 |
1.4.0 |
Fully compatible for Translate plugin. Apr 14, 2016 |
1.3.9 |
Minor improvements. Feb 01, 2016 |
1.3.8 |
Autocomplete the Slug field. Jan 22, 2016 |
1.3.7 |
Improvements and bug fixes. Nov 10, 2015 |
1.3.6 |
Added Polish translation. Oct 13, 2015 |
1.3.5 |
Minor improvements. Sep 26, 2015 |
1.3.4 |
Improved the post form and list. Sep 01, 2015 |
1.3.3 |
Improved the dashboard posts widget. Sep 01, 2015 |
1.3.2 |
Improved the widget exception handling. Aug 28, 2015 |
1.3.1 |
Fixed the posts component issue. Aug 27, 2015 |
1.3.0 |
Improvements and bug fixes. Aug 24, 2015 |
1.2.8 |
Fixed the translate issues. Aug 17, 2015 |
1.2.7 |
Added Russian translation (thanks to mrmlnc). Aug 17, 2015 |
1.2.6 |
Improved the posts component. Aug 14, 2015 |
1.2.5 |
Support to Translate plugin. Aug 14, 2015 |
1.2.4 |
Minor improvements. Jul 14, 2015 |
1.2.3 |
Select images via Media finder. Jul 14, 2015 |
1.2.2 |
Improvement the post status. Jul 14, 2015 |
1.2.1 |
Added the Introductory field. Jul 14, 2015 |
1.2.0 |
Added post front-end components. Jul 14, 2015 |
1.1.3 |
Minor improvements and bugfix. Jul 14, 2015 |
1.1.2 |
Added the Published at field. Jul 14, 2015 |
1.1.1 |
Improved the permissions. Jul 14, 2015 |
1.1.0 |
Added two front-end components. Jul 14, 2015 |
1.0.1 |
Modified the subject of emails. Jul 14, 2015 |
1.0.0 |
First version of News. Jul 14, 2015 |
1.8.5 > 1.8.6 - Do not use the "PHP mail" method on the Mail configuration page.
1.7.8 > 1.8.0 - Added the "indikator_" prefix to the tables.
1.7.2 > 1.7.3 - Removed the Stat front-end component.
1.7.1 > 1.7.2 - Changed the name of the Form front-end component.
1.4.8 > 1.5.0 - The requirement is the RainLab Translate plugin 1.2.4 or higher version!