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  • Added on Oct 20, 2016
  • Current version: 1.2.9
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by
  • Public repository



  • It works with build-in CMS (Pages, Partials and Layout).
  • It works with any plugins (News & Newsletter, Content Plus, etc.).
  • Support multilanguage content Works with Rainlab Translate plugin.
  • Easy to paste snippets with the build-in WYSIWYG editor.

Available languages

  • en - English
  • hu - Magyar

More premium plugins

  • Content Plus - Complete solution for Blog, News, Portfolio, Slideshow and Testimonials in one plugin. Many features and client-friendly interface.
  • Backend Elite - Use amazing back-end features and fresh dashboard widgets. Gzip compression, CMS cleaner, right-click menu, etc.
  • Login Page - Customize your back-end login page! You can change the background color or image, hide the logo or slogan and so on...
  • Hospitality - This is the complete hospitality plugin with booking table, quick reservation and menu features. Manage your restaurant or cafe easily.

More free plugins

  • Backend Plus - Extend the back-end to some features and widgets.
  • News & Newsletter - This is a simple news and newsletter plugin.
  • Front-end Plugins - List of components which are use in front-end.
  • User Plus - Extend the RainLab User plugin to some new fields.
  • Quick Edit - Edit easily the CMS pages via dashboard widget.
  • Popup Manager - Easy to manage popups and collect subscribers.
  • Photography - Manage your photos and photo equipment easily.
Add block

Works with CMS

Usage steps

  1. Add a new content on the Paste Content page.
  2. Use the paste Twig function.
  3. Add the type and code of content.


Predetermined content

Code: ads


HTML code

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nibh aute et sodales at arcu, urna libero, euismod pharetra vestibulum tristique praesent. Ligula integer natoque ut praesent sapien, ligula placerat nisl neque id commodi, quis dictum sit erat ante mollis nascetur.</p>

{{ paste('text', 'ads') }}

The result

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nibh aute et sodales at arcu, urna libero, euismod pharetra vestibulum tristique praesent. Ligula integer natoque ut praesent sapien, ligula placerat nisl neque id commodi, quis dictum sit erat ante mollis nascetur.


Twig function options

Name Description
First parameter The type of content: text or code
Second parameter The code of content or ID of content

Works with plugins

Usage steps

  1. Add a new content on the Paste Content page.
  2. Paste the code of content to the blog post or other text.
  3. Use the paste Twig filter on the front-end pages.


Predetermined content

Code: ads


Blog post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nibh aute et sodales at arcu, urna libero, euismod pharetra vestibulum tristique praesent. Ligula integer natoque ut praesent sapien, ligula placerat nisl neque id commodi, quis dictum sit erat ante mollis nascetur.

{{ ads }}

HTML code

{{ post.content_html|paste }}

The result

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nibh aute et sodales at arcu, urna libero, euismod pharetra vestibulum tristique praesent. Ligula integer natoque ut praesent sapien, ligula placerat nisl neque id commodi, quis dictum sit erat ante mollis nascetur.



Improved the list filters.

Apr 18, 2020


Minor UI and database improvements.

Feb 12, 2020


Updated the main navigation icon.

Oct 16, 2018


Added multilanguage support.

Sep 24, 2018


!!! Updated for October 420+.

Nov 24, 2017


Added navigation links to the forms.

Nov 20, 2017


Improved the Code and Stat popups.

Oct 04, 2017


Added extra columns to the lists.

Oct 02, 2017


Add usage stats and minor improvements.

Sep 28, 2017


Added the Block content type.

Sep 26, 2017


Improved the paste Twig function.

May 26, 2017


Paste operation works in the CMS too.

May 24, 2017


Added new icon for main navigation.

May 02, 2017


Minor improvements.

Mar 28, 2017


Paste snippets via build-in editor.

Dec 06, 2016


Added Type field to the Text page.

Oct 25, 2016


Added the Code page.

Oct 24, 2016


First version of Paste Content plugin.

Oct 20, 2016