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  • Added on Feb 8, 2017
  • Current version: 1.2.6
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • License: Regular / Extended
  • Created by


This plugin extend the back-end to useful features, cool dashboard widgets and front-end components. It based on the very popular Backend Plus plugin, but the Elite version contains more things. Furthermore it will get more updates.

Advantages of plugin

  • Increase the speed of your webpage! - Enable the gzip compression of server.
  • Delete the unused files and folders! - Scan and find the unnecessary elements.
  • Be simpler the back-end interface! - Hide the unused elements and texts.
  • Let's work effectively and quickly! - Extend the operation of input fields.
  • Make an informative nice dashboard! - Add some new widgets to dashboard.
  • Set the back-end features as global! - The settings available for other users.
  • Turn on useful automatic operations! - Delete cache, October.Demo plugin, etc.

New back-end features

  • Enable the gzip compression. More info »
  • Hide the menu description in sidebar.
  • Use the wysiwyg editor instead of code editor.
  • Hide the search field in sidebar.
  • Focus the search field automatically.
  • Hide the menu icon in sidebar.
  • Change the profile image to rounded or circle.
  • Show the virtual keyboard by input fields.
  • Enable masked input fields.
  • Hide the label in the top menu.
  • Widgets manage disabled on the Dashboard.
  • Add the clear button to input fields.
  • Enable a right-click menu on the Back-end.
  • Hide the "Find more themes" link in Design.

All features can be set as global. If you check this option, the current feature will work for all administrators. The superusers only modify the global settings.

Automatic operations

  • When I login to the back-end
    • Delete the cache of webpage
  • After the October was updated
    • Uninstall the October.Demo plugin
    • Delete the trash files of October

CMS cleaner

Delete the unused files and folders of OctoberCMS such as text files (readme and license), old files, empty folders and unnecessary database settings. You can find this feature on the Settings > System > Trash items page. For compatibility reasons you can use the latest version of OctoberCMS and plugins!

New dashboard widgets

  • System status (updates, plugins and themes)
  • Versions (CMS, PHP and GD library)
  • RSS viewer (title, date and description)
  • Logs (event, access, request and theme)
  • Cache storage (view diagram and delete files)
  • Random images (hundreds of high-quality photos)
  • Last logins (date, user name and IP address)
  • Administrators (users, groups and last login)
  • PHP settings (upload limit, memory limit and timezone)
  • Server info (host, IP address and operation system)

New front-end components

  • Lorem ipsum image
  • Lorem ipsum text

Available languages

  • en - English
  • de - Deutsch
  • ru - Русский
  • es - Español
  • hu - Magyar
  • pt-br - Português
  • tr - Türkçe

More premium plugins

  • Content Plus - Complete solution for Blog, News, Portfolio, Slideshow and Testimonials in one plugin. Many features and client-friendly interface.
  • Login Page - Customize your back-end login page! You can change the background color or image, hide the logo or slogan and so on...
  • Hospitality - This is the complete hospitality plugin with booking table, quick reservation and menu features. Manage your restaurant or cafe easily.

More free plugins

Cool and useful dashboard widgets

Activate features

  1. Click on the Back-end preferences in the profile menu.
  2. Click on the Display, Behavior or Context menu tab.
  3. You can activate any new features.

Add widget

  1. Go to the Dashboard page in the Backend.
  2. Click on the Manage widgets > Add widget button.
  3. Select the any Backend Elite widgets from the list.

Masked input fields

It allows a user to more easily enter fixed width input where you would like them to enter the data in a certain format. You can use it for mobile number, credit card, dates, etc. Usage example:

        label: Phone number
        type: text
        placeholder: 00 0000-0000
            data-mask: 00 0000-0000
            data-mask-reverse: true
            data-mask-clearifnotmatch: true
            data-mask-selectonfocus: true

The data-mask parameter is only required. The default value of data-mask-reverse, data-mask-clearifnotmatch and data-mask-selectonfocus are "false". See the documentation. Before you want to use it, you can activate this feature.


  • Found the plugin useful on 11 Nov, 2019

    Installed this plugin without any problems (build 458, php 7.2) and it is worth every penny! The feature I like most: the options to extend the built in editor like code folding, close tags automatically, autocompletition, code snippets.

    Especially useful in combination with the plugin "Code Editor"! So I don't need an external editor like atom often anymore.

    And there are a lot of other options one can use for convenient handling. Very recommendable indeed!

  • Found the plugin not useful on 26 Nov, 2018

    I just bought this plugin and nothing works, there are many error messages, incomplete coding and I cant even save the settings without an error message displaying! I really dont see any extra features if you use clear cache plugin and backend plus plugin. I kind of feel ripped off and I would like to try and get a refund and remove this paid plugin from my list.

  • author

    Replied on 27 Nov, 2018

    It works properly for me and other clients. It containts a lot of extra features, please read the documantation or see product images.

    Do you use the latest version of October and plugins? Please send me a screenshot or open a forum topic.

  • Found the plugin useful on 30 Apr, 2018

    It gave me what I needed to speed things up! I chose this plugin though because of the plethora of other options it adds to make the user experience easier on clients. It's a winner go grab it!

  • Found the plugin useful on 26 Mar, 2017

    This is a very useful and friendly plugin and I am very much enjoying using it. One of the coolest features is the mouse-right-button-click popup window!

    Great Job!

    Steve Warner


Added more trash items.

Jan 06, 2020


Updated the trash file list.

Oct 10, 2019


Added permission to Dashboard widgets.

May 10, 2019


Added masked input feature.

Nov 28, 2018


Minor UI and code improvements.

Oct 08, 2018


Removed the form widgets.

Sep 24, 2018


Customize option for content menu.

Sep 18, 2018


Added new options to preferences.

Sep 04, 2018


Improved the Dashboard widgets.

Aug 22, 2018


Added more trash items.

Aug 10, 2018


!!! Updated for October 420+.

Nov 22, 2017


Fixed the Cache widget issue.

Oct 10, 2017


Improved the report widgets.

Jun 26, 2017


Improved the security check.

Jun 18, 2017


Added the theme log for Logs widget.

May 22, 2017


Fixed the disabled options issue.

Mar 28, 2017


Delete the trash files automatically.

Mar 16, 2017


Added basic Automation features.

Feb 24, 2017


Added the Brazilian Portuguese lang.

Feb 20, 2017


Added the Russian translation.

Feb 14, 2017


First version of Backend Elite.

Feb 08, 2017

1.2.0 > 1.2.1 - Removed the form widgets. If you like to extend the forms with new field types, use this plugin.