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Twig Extensions
Add filters wordwrap, strftime, ltrim, rtrim, strip_tags, var_dump and more...
Twig Extensions
Add filters wordwrap, strftime, ltrim, rtrim, strip_tags, var_dump and more...

Automatically logout authenticated user after session timeout.
Automatically logout authenticated user after session timeout.

Adds location based features, such as Country and State.
Adds location based features, such as Country and State.

User Plus+
Adds extra features to the User plugin.
User Plus+
Adds extra features to the User plugin.

Error Logger
Sends errors directly to email, Slack, NewRelic, Sentry and more.
Error Logger
Sends errors directly to email, Slack, NewRelic, Sentry and more.

User Support
Ticket system for communicating with users
User Support
Ticket system for communicating with users

Form Builder
This plugin allows you to build custom front-end forms with ease.
Form Builder
This plugin allows you to build custom front-end forms with ease.

Backup Manager
Backup OctoberCMS application with ease.
Backup Manager
Backup OctoberCMS application with ease.

October HTML to PDF converter using dompdf library.
October HTML to PDF converter using dompdf library.

Multi-Factor Authentication
Enables multi-factor authentication through Google Authenticator for backend users.
Multi-Factor Authentication
Enables multi-factor authentication through Google Authenticator for backend users.

Provider of third party drivers.
Provider of third party drivers.

Campaign Manager
Send professional campaign messages to your subscribers.
Campaign Manager
Send professional campaign messages to your subscribers.