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Tags for Shopaholic
Allows sellers to group products by tags
Tags for Shopaholic
Allows sellers to group products by tags

Popularity for Shopaholic
Allows sellers to set the popularity index to products and allows customers to sort products by popularity
Popularity for Shopaholic
Allows sellers to set the popularity index to products and allows customers to sort products by popularity

Omnipay for Shopaholic
Adds intergation with ignited/laravel-omnipay package
Omnipay for Shopaholic
Adds intergation with ignited/laravel-omnipay package

Orders for Shopaholic
Allows customers to purchase products using the cart
Orders for Shopaholic
Allows customers to purchase products using the cart

Properties for Shopaholic
Allows sellers to set additional properties to products and offers
Properties for Shopaholic
Allows sellers to set additional properties to products and offers

Filter for Shopaholic
Allows customres to filter products by price, properties, discount, quantity
Filter for Shopaholic
Allows customres to filter products by price, properties, discount, quantity

Front-end authorization, registration, password recovery, user profile
Front-end authorization, registration, password recovery, user profile

No. 1 e-commerce platform for October CMS
No. 1 e-commerce platform for October CMS

Backend Skin
A plugin that can customize the backend skin
Backend Skin
A plugin that can customize the backend skin

Cumulus Core
The heart and start point of any Cumulus application
Cumulus Core
The heart and start point of any Cumulus application

Helpers for faster development: pagination rendering, objects and lists caching, UI strings for using in third...
Helpers for faster development: pagination rendering, objects and lists caching, UI strings for using in third...

Dropbox Adapter
Dropbox filesystem adapter for October CMS.
Dropbox Adapter
Dropbox filesystem adapter for October CMS.