This plugin adds location based features to OctoberCMS.
- Easily add Country and State to any model
- Form widget for address lookups (Google API)
Extended features
To integrate locations with front-end users consider installing the User Plus+ plugin (RainLab.UserPlus
Google API key requirement
As of June 22, 2016 the Google Maps service requires an API key. You may generate a key from the following link:
Copy the key and enter it in the Settings > Location settings area. If you find the address finder is not working, you may need to enable the Places Web Service.
The following plugins extend or depend on the plugin

Social information, User directory, V-Card downloading, Avatar gallery, Frontend profile forms.
Social information, User directory, V-Card downloading, Avatar gallery, Frontend profile forms.

User Plus+
Adds extra features to the User plugin.
User Plus+
Adds extra features to the User plugin.

Location Towns
Adds Towns to Location plugin.
Location Towns
Adds Towns to Location plugin.

Invoicing and Accounting
Invoicing and Accounting

Cumulus Core
The heart and start point of any Cumulus application
Cumulus Core
The heart and start point of any Cumulus application

Required by TechMarket E-Commerce theme
Required by TechMarket E-Commerce theme

The professional Customer Relations Manager (CRM) for October
The professional Customer Relations Manager (CRM) for October

E-commerce shop solution for October CMS
E-commerce shop solution for October CMS

A freelance marketplace for online and remote workers.
A freelance marketplace for online and remote workers.

Embed a Leaflet map (OpenStreetMap) with ease
Embed a Leaflet map (OpenStreetMap) with ease

Job applications management
Simple and powerful plugin to setup job listings on your website
Job applications management
Simple and powerful plugin to setup job listings on your website

TPV Virtual Payment Gateway
This Plugin is Payment Gateway addon for JKshop Plugin
TPV Virtual Payment Gateway
This Plugin is Payment Gateway addon for JKshop Plugin

Display your posts on Google Map and create beautiful listing pages
Display your posts on Google Map and create beautiful listing pages

Posting Job for your organization made simple.
Posting Job for your organization made simple.

Let's rent
The core component for building a rental database
Let's rent
The core component for building a rental database

Job Portal
Create your very own job portal and connect employers and talents
Job Portal
Create your very own job portal and connect employers and talents

Attributize Location
RainLab Location integration for Sixgweb Attributize Plugin
Attributize Location
RainLab Location integration for Sixgweb Attributize Plugin

Online Campus
Online Courses for October CMS
Online Campus
Online Courses for October CMS
The following themes use this plugin

Modern, responsive and highly customizable eCommerce OctoberCMS theme based on Shopaholic eCommerce Plugin Ecosystem

Mall Demo Theme
Mall Demo Theme
Official starter theme for the Mall e-commerce plugin

A freelance marketplace website for remote and freelance workers.

DeepITer Blog Theme
DeepITer Blog Theme
Personal blogger theme base on OctoberCMS.

eMarket - Advanced E-Commerce Octobercms theme
eMarket - Advanced E-Commerce Octobercms theme
Premium Ecommerce Octobercms theme based on OFFLINE Mall Plugin

Bootstrap 5 Mall Starter
Bootstrap 5 Mall Starter
Unofficial Bootstrap 5 starter theme for the Mall e-commerce plugin, based on the original Mall Starter theme
Add Country and State to any model
This plugin provides an easy way to add location fields, country and state, to any model. Simply add these columns to the database table:
$table->integer('country_id')->unsigned()->nullable()->index(); $table->integer('state_id')->unsigned()->nullable()->index();
Then implement the RainLab.Location.Behaviors.LocationModel behavior in the model class:
public $implement = ['RainLab.Location.Behaviors.LocationModel'];
This will automatically create two "belongs to" relationships:
- state - relation for RainLab\Location\Models\State
- country - relation for RainLab\Location\Models\Country
Back-end usage
You are free to add the following form field definitions:
country: label: type: dropdown span: left placeholder: state: label: rainlab.location::lang.state.label type: dropdown span: right dependsOn: country placeholder:
For the list column definitions, you can use the following snippet:
country: label: searchable: true relation: country select: name sortable: false state: label: rainlab.location::lang.state.label searchable: true relation: state select: name sortable: false
Front-end usage
The front-end can also use the relationships by creating a partial called country-state with the content:
{% set countryId = countryId|default(form_value('country_id')) %} {% set stateId = stateId|default(form_value('state_id')) %} <div class="form-group"> <label for="accountCountry">Country</label> {{ form_select_country('country_id', countryId, { id: 'accountCountry', class: 'form-control', emptyOption: '', 'data-request': 'onInit', 'data-request-update': { 'country-state': '#partialCountryState' } }) }} </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="accountState">State</label> {{ form_select_state('state_id', countryId, stateId, { id: 'accountState', class: 'form-control', emptyOption: '' }) }} </div>
This partial can be rendered in a form with the following:
<div id="partialCountryState"> {% partial 'country-state' countryId=user.country_id stateId=user.state_id %} </div>
Short code accessors
The behavior will also add a special short code accessor and setter to the model that converts country_code
and state_code
to their respective identifiers.
// Softly looks up and sets the country_id and state_id // for these Country and State relations. $model->country_code = "US"; $model->state_code = "FL"; $model->save();
Address Finder Form Widget
This plugin introduces an address lookup form field called addressfinder
. The form widget renders a Google Maps autocomplete address field that automatically populates mapped fields based on the value entered and selected in the address.
Available mappings:
- street
- city
- zip
- state
- country
- country-long
- latitude
- longitude
- vicinity
# =================================== # Form Field Definitions # =================================== fields: address: label: Address type: addressfinder fieldMap: latitude: latitude longitude: longitude city: city zip: zip country: country_code state: state_code vicinity: vicinity city: label: City zip: label: Zip country_code: label: Country state_code: label: State latitude: label: Latitude longitude: label: Longitude vicinity: label: Vicinity
Found the plugin useful on 20 Jan, 2020
how I can this component several time in one page?
Mindaugas Butkevicius
Found the plugin useful on 25 Jan, 2017
Great plugin! Using it on my new project and I find it the best in October CMS marketplace yet.
Kornelius Kristian Rayani
Found the plugin useful on 3 Jan, 2016
Thanks Master :D
2.0.0 |
Major Upgrade to Location Plugin May 06, 2024 |
1.2.5 |
Fixes missing callback parameter on Google API Feb 28, 2023 |
1.2.4 |
Adds reverseStreetNumber option to address finder Nov 26, 2022 |
1.2.3 |
Improve support with October v3 May 13, 2022 |
1.2.2 |
Include Russian states Apr 27, 2022 |
1.2.1 |
Add country calling codes Oct 02, 2021 |
1.2.0 |
Fixes checkboxes in settings pages Aug 27, 2021 |
1.1.6 |
Added ability to disable specific states Dec 17, 2020 |
1.1.5 |
Include Italian states (province) Jul 19, 2019 |
1.1.4 |
Added support for UK counties Jul 09, 2019 |
1.1.3 |
Include Argentina states Feb 01, 2019 |
1.1.2 |
Yet another change to the AddressFinder for changes to the FormField API Jan 10, 2019 |
1.1.1 |
Minor fix to AddressFinder formwidget for the change to the FormField API Jan 10, 2019 |
1.1.0 |
!!! Update requires Build 447. Fixed AddressFinder form widget not working correctly in repeaters. Jan 10, 2019 |
1.0.8 |
Include Mexico states Oct 05, 2018 |
1.0.7 |
Added basic geocoding method to the Country model. Sep 15, 2016 |
1.0.6 |
Added support for defining a default country and state. Sep 03, 2016 |
1.0.5 |
Countries can now be pinned to make them appear at the top of the list. Aug 30, 2016 |
1.0.4 |
Satisfy the new Google API key requirement. Jul 08, 2016 |
1.0.3 |
Add seed data for countries and states. Sep 25, 2015 |
1.0.2 |
Create database tables. Sep 25, 2015 |
1.0.1 |
Initialize plugin. Sep 25, 2015 |