I’m from Poland, proud graduate of Wrocław University of Technology on faculty - Computer Science.
I’m passionate web developer with 10 years production experience and with many happy customers.
Trust Me, I'm an Engineer!

Backend Support
Support ticket system for backend users.
Backend Support
Support ticket system for backend users.

Backup Manager
Backup OctoberCMS application with ease.
Backup Manager
Backup OctoberCMS application with ease.

Dropbox Adapter
Dropbox filesystem adapter for October CMS.
Dropbox Adapter
Dropbox filesystem adapter for October CMS.

October HTML to PDF converter using dompdf library.
October HTML to PDF converter using dompdf library.

Form Builder
This plugin allows you to build custom front-end forms with ease.
Form Builder
This plugin allows you to build custom front-end forms with ease.

Easy impersonate backend user.
Easy impersonate backend user.

Automatically logout authenticated user after session timeout.
Automatically logout authenticated user after session timeout.

Mail Log
View mail messages with their recorded time and details.
Mail Log
View mail messages with their recorded time and details.

SEO Manager
Manage SEO for OctoberCMS application with ease.
SEO Manager
Manage SEO for OctoberCMS application with ease.

Simple ToDo List
Simple backend To-Do List plugin
Simple ToDo List
Simple backend To-Do List plugin

Spam Protection
Preventing spam submitted through forms.
Spam Protection
Preventing spam submitted through forms.