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See all new plugins

Monkey Leads
An OctoberCMS plugin for capture and manage leads
Monkey Leads
An OctoberCMS plugin for capture and manage leads
Contact Form, Marketing

Provides MailRelay integration services.
Provides MailRelay integration services.
Marketing, Subscriptions

Just a simple Trustpilot review integration for October CMS
Just a simple Trustpilot review integration for October CMS
Marketing, Social

Monkey Leads
An OctoberCMS plugin for capture and manage leads
Monkey Leads
An OctoberCMS plugin for capture and manage leads
Contact Form, Marketing

Provides MailRelay integration services.
Provides MailRelay integration services.
Marketing, Subscriptions

Just a simple Trustpilot review integration for October CMS
Just a simple Trustpilot review integration for October CMS
Marketing, Social

Lead Tracker
Lead tracking system for October CMS
Lead Tracker
Lead tracking system for October CMS
Analytics, Marketing

Twitch Embed
Embed your favorite twitch channels and clips on your site with ease
Twitch Embed
Embed your favorite twitch channels and clips on your site with ease
Marketing, Social

Add gamification in OctoberCMS with reputation point and badges support
Add gamification in OctoberCMS with reputation point and badges support
Marketing, Users