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Image Databanks
Brings multiple image providers to allow users to search for unlimited images.
Image Databanks
Brings multiple image providers to allow users to search for unlimited images.

Turn your website into an e-learning video platform
Turn your website into an e-learning video platform

Plugin for files management
Plugin for files management

Good News
Simple blogging plugin
Good News
Simple blogging plugin

Extends RainLab.Blog with Comments, Tags, Custom Meta Fields, Archives, Statistics, Views and more.
Extends RainLab.Blog with Comments, Tags, Custom Meta Fields, Archives, Statistics, Views and more.

Richeditor Snippets
Adds button to Richeditor toolbar to quickly add Snippets.
Richeditor Snippets
Adds button to Richeditor toolbar to quickly add Snippets.

Embed a YouTube video with additional data such as its description.
Embed a YouTube video with additional data such as its description.

Frontend/Backend form builder for OctoberCMS that utilizes Sixgweb.Attributize and Sixgweb.Conditions plugins
Frontend/Backend form builder for OctoberCMS that utilizes Sixgweb.Attributize and Sixgweb.Conditions plugins

Ajax-powered Masonry portfolio with category filters and a modal dialog.
Ajax-powered Masonry portfolio with category filters and a modal dialog.

Custom Google Search
Add Google's Custom Search Engine (CSE) Search using the Google API
Custom Google Search
Add Google's Custom Search Engine (CSE) Search using the Google API

Simple CRM
Simple Customer Relationship Management.
Simple CRM
Simple Customer Relationship Management.

Fix slug generation in Tailor
Forces Tailor to generate unique slugs via slugable
Fix slug generation in Tailor
Forces Tailor to generate unique slugs via slugable