Yell-Ow - Company Profile Octobercms Theme for Corporate and Blogging System using Tailwind CSS
- Responsive design
- Premium quality
- Lightweight and very fast
- CSS3 animations
- About Us pages
- Contact pages
- Portofolio pages
- Blog pages
- Photo Album page
- Tool SEO (New)
- Username : editor,
- Password : editor
The following plugins are required

A robust blogging platform.
A robust blogging platform.

Bootstrap Carousel
Easily add image sliders based on Twitter Bootstrap Carousels to your web apps.
Bootstrap Carousel
Easily add image sliders based on Twitter Bootstrap Carousels to your web apps.

Blog Search
Adds a search function to the Rainlab.Blog Plugin
Blog Search
Adds a search function to the Rainlab.Blog Plugin

Twig Extensions
Add filters wordwrap, strftime, ltrim, rtrim, strip_tags, var_dump and more...
Twig Extensions
Add filters wordwrap, strftime, ltrim, rtrim, strip_tags, var_dump and more...

Leaflet Map
Simple plugin for displaying map with marked location using Leaflet.js and OpenStreet Maps
Leaflet Map
Simple plugin for displaying map with marked location using Leaflet.js and OpenStreet Maps

Image Resizer
Easily resize and compress images. Provides Twig filter and PHP method. Works well with plugins such as blog,...
Image Resizer
Easily resize and compress images. Provides Twig filter and PHP method. Works well with plugins such as blog,...

Manage galleries of photos arranged in albums, insert photos into your content.
Manage galleries of photos arranged in albums, insert photos into your content.

Small Contact Form
Simple but flexible multi language contact form builder with custom fields, validation and antispam
Small Contact Form
Simple but flexible multi language contact form builder with custom fields, validation and antispam

Power SEO
Power the SEO throughout your site. Easy setup and low maintenance.
Power SEO
Power the SEO throughout your site. Easy setup and low maintenance.

A simple plugin for testimonial slider.
A simple plugin for testimonial slider.

Extension PowerSEO
Extension Power SEO
Extension PowerSEO
Extension Power SEO
Go to your backend to Settings -> System -> Updates & Plugins and install the following Plugins. (just copy & paste the PluginIDs below and put it in the search box.)
- Rainlab.Blog - JanVince.SmallContactForm - Graker.PhotoAlbums - ArrizalAmin.Portfolio - ToughDeveloper.ImageResizer - Employees plugin - VimirLab.Testimonials - Mohsin.Carousel - PKleindienst.BlogSearch - RedMarlin.Leafletmap - SureSoftware.PowerSEO - VojtaSvoboda.TwigExtensions
Theme Customization
We provide tailwilnd configurations for colors, font size, and letter spacing out of the box. To customize the theme please follow the following steps.
- Go to themes/yellow directory. You'll find package.json file that define dependecies.
- Install depencies by running npm install. (Please ensure you have node and npm installed on your system visit for further details).
- Update tailwind.config.js to meet your preferences and run npm build:css.
- For further details you can visit
If you require any further information, feel free to contact me! If you like the Theme, please, send me a good review!
Meeshal kumar
Found the theme not useful on 5 Sep, 2020
This does not work at all, and there is no way to get help.
bayuaji author
Replied on 6 Sep, 2020
Hi, can you describe the problem using the theme ? We have our demo here user: editor password: editor And it works just fine. Have you tried it?
If you have any problem, you could send us a message. To say there is no way to get help, are you sure you have sent one? Since we didn't receive any. Maybe you could send us a message so we could help.
1.0.3 |
Adding SEO Mar 22, 2021 |
1.0.2 |
Update image resize Jul 23, 2020 |
1.0.1 |
Update dependency plugin Jul 18, 2020 |
1.0.0 |
Initial release Jul 16, 2020 |