General information
The plugin gives you access to Stripe Payment using Stripe Elements, allowing your project to have full support for the Stripe payment gateway.
If you got any issues - feel free to create support ticket (not review) and author will provide you with help.
The following plugins are required

Helpers for faster development: pagination rendering, objects and lists caching, UI strings for using in third...
Helpers for faster development: pagination rendering, objects and lists caching, UI strings for using in third...

No. 1 e-commerce platform for October CMS
No. 1 e-commerce platform for October CMS

Orders for Shopaholic
Allows customers to purchase products using the cart
Orders for Shopaholic
Allows customers to purchase products using the cart

Omnipay for Shopaholic
Adds intergation with ignited/laravel-omnipay package
Omnipay for Shopaholic
Adds intergation with ignited/laravel-omnipay package
Stripe Payment Gateway for Shopaholic plugin
Installation guide
Add omnipay/stripe and ignited/laravel-omnipay packages to the composer.json of your project.
{ "require": [ ... "ignited/laravel-omnipay": "3.*", "omnipay/stripe": "^3.1" ],
Execute below at the root of your project.
composer update
Setting up the payment method
In Settings > Catalog Configuration > Payment Methods create new payment method. Choose Stripe payment gateway and create.
Enter your Stripe public key in "API Key public" field and your secret key in "apiKey" fields.
PaymentCardForm component
Collecting user bank card details to process the order.
You have 2 options: make payment request right after order is created (using MakeOrder component) or first create the order, then collect card details for payment request and finally do the payment request (using OrderPage component).
Payment using MakeOrder component
In this approach you need to integrate stripe payment form (Stripe.js quickstart) with PaymentCardForm component and MakeOrder form and generate a stripe token from the user's input. Don't forget to insert your public Stripe API key into sample stripe js code. Then you need to save this token to the order record into the payment_token field using 'shopaholic.order.after_create' event.
Also if the Stripe is default gateway your application uses - you can set auto assigning Stripe payment method to every order created.
Example of front-end implementation:
stripe.createToken(card).then(function(result) { if (result.error) { // Inform the user if there was an error. var errorElement = document.getElementById('card-errors'); errorElement.textContent = result.error.message; } else { // Send the token to your server. stripeTokenHandler(result.token); } }); function stripeTokenHandler(token) { makeOrder({ 'stripeToken':, 'order': { 'payment_method_id': $('[name="order[payment_method_id]"]').val() } }); } function makeOrder(data_additional) { var data = { 'order': { 'property': { 'address': $('#address-field').val(), 'city': $('#city-field').val(), 'message': $('#message-field').val() } }, 'user': { 'email': $('#email-field').val(), 'name': $('#name-field').val() } }; let data_merged = {, ...data_additional}; $.request('MakeOrder::onCreate', { 'data': data_merged }); }
Payment using OrderPage component
This approach allows to first create the order and then to collect user's card details separately. Here you need to use PaymentCardForm independently also integrating with (Stripe.js bank card form). PaymentCardForm onUpdateToken method will save generated token to the order (expecting stripeToken post parameter).
[PaymentCardForm] mode = "ajax" redirect_on = 1 redirect_page = "order_success" slug = "{{ :slug }}" slug_required = 1 == {% if PaymentCardForm.get() %} <form method="post" id="payment-form"> <div class="form-row"> <label for="card-element"> Credit or debit card </label> <div id="card-element"> <!-- A Stripe Element will be inserted here. --> </div> <!-- Used to display form errors. --> <div id="card-errors" role="alert"></div> </div> <button>Submit Payment</button> </form> {% endif %} <script> // js code from Stripe.js quickstart link replacing public Stripe API key with your own var stripe = Stripe({{ PaymentCardForm.get().payment_method.getObject.getProperty('api_key_public') }}); </script>
Then using OrderPage component and it's method onPurchase you can trigger the payment request to Stripe using saved token as payment source.
Payment Intent example (thanks to Vojta Svoboda)
New method PaymentCardForm.getPaymentIntentClientSecret() available from v1.0.4.
title = "Order complete" url = "/checkout/:slug" layout = "eshop" is_hidden = 0 [OrderPage] slug = "{{ :slug }}" slug_required = 1 [PaymentCardForm] mode = "ajax" redirect_on = 1 redirect_page = "order-complete" slug = "{{ :slug }}" slug_required = 1 == {% set order = PaymentCardForm.get() %} {% set payment = order.payment_method.getObject() %} {% if order.status_id == 1 and payment.gateway_id == "Stripe\\Checkout" %} <form method="post" id="payment-form"> <button>Submit payment</button> </form> <script> $('#payment-form').on('submit', function (e) { $.request('OrderPage::onPurchase'); }); </script> {% endif %}
© 2019, under Commercial License.
Developed by Art Gek.
Found the plugin not useful on 1 Apr, 2024
Money paid, plugin is not working:
1Composer could not detect the root package (october/october) version, defaulting to '1.0.0'. See 2Loading composer repositories with package information 3Updating dependencies 4Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. 5Problem 1 6- Root composer.json requires vdomah/stripeshopaholic-plugin ^1.0, found vdomah/stripeshopaholic-plugin[dev-master] but it does not match the constraint.
Please make a refund.
1.0.5 |
Stripe payment method to Stripe Charge; Stripe Payment Intents and Stripe Checkout methods added Feb 14, 2022 |
1.0.4 |
Payment Intent method with example Jan 30, 2022 |
1.0.3 |
apiKey field back: called Client Secret Jan 10, 2022 |
1.0.2 |
Omnipay v3 | clientSecret field Jan 10, 2022 |
1.0.1 |
Fix compatibility with OctoberCMS v2. Ability to Stripe select payment gateway in payment method form. Jan 10, 2022 |
1.0.0 |
Initialize plugin. May 01, 2019 |