Convenient page builder with 50+ blocks
The following plugins are required

Front-end user management.
Front-end user management.

Enables multi-lingual websites and translate website contents.
Enables multi-lingual websites and translate website contents.

Static Pages
Adds static pages, menus and breadcrumbs features to OctoberCMS.
Static Pages
Adds static pages, menus and breadcrumbs features to OctoberCMS.

Image Resizer
Easily resize and compress images. Provides Twig filter and PHP method. Works well with plugins such as blog,...
Image Resizer
Easily resize and compress images. Provides Twig filter and PHP method. Works well with plugins such as blog,...
This theme requires only one plugin (RainLab .Pages) and when installing the theme required plugins will be installed automatically
Create page
Go to Backend > Pages > Pages > Add > Blocks (Tab next to content) > Add New Item > Select the block you want > Fill the fields > Click "Save"
Vadim Volkov
Found the theme not useful on 2 Jul, 2019
This theme is raw, a lot of mistakes. I have to redo a lot from scratch. It requires some dependent plugins, about which nothing is said. Some blocks do not work. The idea is good, the implementation is bad.
1.0.3 |
Some bugs fixed and a piece of code added Oct 20, 2019 |
1.0.2 |
Unnecessary files was deleted Jul 05, 2019 |
1.0.1 |
Fixed bugs related with pictures Jul 05, 2019 |
1.0.0 |
Theme initialization May 30, 2019 |