General information
Payment method for Shopaholic that allows your customers to pay using bank cards, Apple pay, Google pay.
- One click install and intuitive settings.
- Full support of 54-ФЗ (54-FL Learn more)
- Divided settings of fiscal cheque method for order positions and for shipping
- English language is supported
- Constant updates to latest API requirements
- Technical support, and quick response to fix the bugs
© 2021, Biz-Mark under Commercial License.
Developed by Nick Khaetsky at Biz-Mark.
The following plugins are required

Helpers for faster development: pagination rendering, objects and lists caching, UI strings for using in third...
Helpers for faster development: pagination rendering, objects and lists caching, UI strings for using in third...

No. 1 e-commerce platform for October CMS
No. 1 e-commerce platform for October CMS

Orders for Shopaholic
Allows customers to purchase products using the cart
Orders for Shopaholic
Allows customers to purchase products using the cart
Buy plugin at OctoberCMS Marketplace, and attach it to your project.
Open Settings –> Payment Methods, create new or update existing payment method, on Gateway tab select Sberbank and fill username and password that you get from Sberbank.
Notification service configuration
Open Sberbank account page and call or message to technical support for configuring your return URL.
When they asked for URL provide that URL:
(change to your domain).
Capturing user after the successful or failed payment
This gateway using standard Shopaholic's event system.
Example of capturing user redirect:
// Success $obEvent->listen(BizMark\SberbankShopaholic\Classes\Helper\PaymentGateway::EVENT_SUCCESS_URL, function ($obOrder) { return Page::url('order-complete-page', ['slug' => $obOrder->secret_key]); }); // Fail $obEvent->listen(BizMark\SberbankShopaholic\Classes\Helper\PaymentGateway::EVENT_FAIL_URL, function ($obOrder) { return Page::url('order-failed-page', ['slug' => $obOrder->secret_key]); });
Denis Smirnov
Found the plugin useful on 6 May, 2021
Подскажите есть возможность отрывать сбережением в новой вкладке а не той же?
Добавление рекурентных платежей планируется?
Biz-Mark author
Replied on 7 May, 2021
Спасибо за положительный отзыв! Возможность открытия страницы оплаты в другой вкладке – нет. Рекуррентные платежи появятся тогда, когда Shopaholic начнет поддерживать их.
1.3.3 |
Bumped SDK version. Discount of item position now calculates properly. Oct 26, 2021 |
1.3.2 |
Upgraded SDK to 2.3.5 and added compitability with October CMS v2 May 07, 2021 |
1.3.1 |
Added composer.json, and replaced money_format function May 07, 2021 |
1.3.0 |
Added 54-FZ support. Thanks @NickolayCh Dec 24, 2020 |
1.2.1 |
Code cleanup. Feb 26, 2020 |
1.2.0 |
Fixing response notification unable to set as successfull. Feb 26, 2020 |
1.1.0 |
Updating preparePurchaseData total_cost value to fix strange convertion from sberbank side Feb 18, 2020 |
1.0.0 |
First version of Sberbank-Shopaholic Jun 26, 2019 |