We are in one dank bog, talking to one Roman lunatic’s ghostly wife. This one considers himself as Emperor Hadrian. We are desperately attempting to persuade her so that she can make him go away. The question is, where did our life go so wrong? We are supposed to be King Arthur’s son, for the sake of the Old Gods.

As you can see, Arthur is about to die, owing to one exploding Grail, and thus, it falls to you to try and scour the land as well as unraveling the exact reason that significant big spikes can erupt out of the globe all over the place. Surely, by ‘scour the land’, we indeed mean slowly turn Britain’s great big map your colour, as that is what you will do in RPGs. Oh, wait, no, we mean RTSes. Wait – which is it again?

Here, King Arthur II loves to confound the expectations. You will stomp into it willing to rampage around with one large stack of units, and all of a sudden, it will urge you with dialogue choices asking you whether you desire to kiss one faun to exchange one magic flute. Alternately, barge into the bedroom of an abbot. Or refuse the wine glasses that you inexplicably become offered all the time.

Also, the campaign map that is turn-based is appealing enough – villages burning away in the plagued region and the forests swaying in the breeze in the country’s nicer parts. Yet, the fantastic real-time battle maps should be the best bits. Some will have mountains which tower imposingly over the legions. Meanwhile, some will have river deltas, or chapels that are nestled in the forest clearings. Assault London, and climb through the streets toward the magnificent castle – it a beautiful moment here in this excellent game. Enjoy!