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  • Added on May 10, 2023
  • Current version: 4.8.0
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x use latest
    v1.x not tested
  • Created by
  • Public repository


Services plugin

Services for October CMS.

Services plugin

Services for October CMS.


Run the following to install this plugin:

php artisan plugin:install Yamobile.Services

To uninstall this plugin:

php artisan plugin:remove Yamobile.Services

Using components

This plugin provides 5 components — CategoryComponent,CategoriesComponent,ServiceComponent,ServicesComponent,SettingsComponent. All Components allow you to output information about categories or services to your template. Categories, Services and Prices added to the backend panel of your site will be available in the twig template.


This component allows to output information about categories from the backend to your twig template in any form convenient for you. This component supports property items, it is responsible for the number of output records.

items = "" or "need count"

This component provides 1 variable - categories. If you need to display all categories, then enter assign to the items value the value of all, if only a certain number, then enter the required number of records.

items = ""

{% for category in CategoriesComponent.categories %}
    <a href="{{'home' | page}}/{{ category.slug }}">{{ category.name }}</a>
{% endfor %}

You can output pagination for your list of categories.

items = "6"

    {% for category in CategoriesComponent.categories %}
                <img src="{{ category.image | media }}" alt="{{ category.name }}">
                <h4><a href="{{ category.slug }}">{{ category.name }}</a></h3>
    {% endfor %}
{{ CategoriesComponent.categories.render | raw }}


This component allows you to output information from the backend to your Twig template to display a specific category by url. This component supports the slug property, for part of the url. To use the component, you must enter :slug in the page url when creating the page. This component provides 2 public variable - category, breadcrumbs. category - this variable outputs all the information about the category. breadcrumbs - this variable outputs an array with a link and the name of the current category.

slug = "{{ :slug }}"

{% set category = CategoryComponent.category %}
{% set breadcrumbs = CategoryComponent.breadcrumbs %}

{% for breadcrumb_item in breadcrumbs %}
   {% if breadcrumb_item.link %}
        <a href="{{ breadcrumb_item.link }}">{{ breadcrumb_item.name }}</a>
   {% else %}
        <span>{{ breadcrumb_item.name }}</span>
   {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{{ category.meta_title }}
{{ category.desctiption }}
{{ category.keywords }}
{{ category.name }}
{{ category.description }}
{{ category.image }}
{{ category.content }}

You will also have access to all the services linked to the category, with all their properties.

slug = "{{ :slug }}"
{% set category = CategoryComponent.category %}

    {% for service in category.services %}
            <a href="{{'home' | page}}/{{ service.slug }}/{{service.slug}}">{{ subservice.name }}</a>
    {% endfor %}

The category has the ability to link price lists to display within the category. Price lists can be created manually or imported via a csv file.

slug = "{{ :slug }}"
{% set category = CategoryComponent.category %}

    {% for price in category.prices %}
            {{ price.name }} - {{ price.price }}
    {% endfor %}


This component allows you to output information from the backend to your twig template in any form convenient for you. This component supports the items property, it is responsible for the number of output services.

items = "" or "need count"

This component provides 1 variable - services. If you need to display all services, then enter assign items an empty value, if only a certain number, then enter the required number of records.

items = ""

{% for service in ServicesComponent.services %}
    <a href="{{'home' | page}}/{{ service.slug }}">{{ service.name }}</a>
{% endfor %}

You can output pagination for your list of categories.

items = "6"

    {% for service in ServicesComponent.services %}
                <img src="{{ service.image | media }}" alt="{{ service.name }}">
                <h4><a href="{{ service.slug }}">{{ service.name }}</a></h3>
    {% endfor %}
{{ ServicesComponent.services.render | raw }}


This component allows you to output information from the backend to your twig template to display a specific service by the slug property. This component supports the properties - slug, category_slug. To use the component, you must enter :category_slug/:slug in the page url when creating the page. This component provides 2 public variable - service, breadcrumbs. service - this variable outputs all the information about the service. breadcrumbs - this variable outputs an array with a link and the name of the current category.

category_slug = "{{ :category_slug }}"
slug = "{{ :slug }}"

{% set service = ServiceComponent.service %}
{% set breadcrumbs = ServiceComponent.breadcrumbs %}

{% for breadcrumb_item in breadcrumbs %}
   {% if breadcrumb_item.link %}
        <a href="{{ breadcrumb_item.link }}">{{ breadcrumb_item.name }}</a>
   {% else %}
        <span>{{ breadcrumb_item.name }}</span>
   {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{{ service.meta_title }}
{{ service.desctiption }}
{{ service.keywords }}
{{ service.name }}
{{ service.image }}
{{ service.content }}

Just like the category has access to all the linked services. The service has access to all the properties of the parent category.

category_slug = "{{ :category_slug }}"
slug = "{{ :slug }}"

{% set service = ServiceComponent.service %}

{{ service.category.name }}     // display name of the parent category


This component provides 1 public variable - settings. settings - this variable outputs all the information from settings plugin.

It can be used for the main page of services. In the settings, you can enter the page metadata, an image and a description of the page.

meta_title = {{ service_settings.meta_title }}
meta_description = {{ service_settings.meta_description }}


{% set service_settings = ServiceSettings.settings %}

<h1>{{ service_settings.h1 }}</h1>
<p>{{ service_settings.description }}</p>
<img src="{{ service_settings.image |media }}" />

Added heading property for categories pages and services pages

Jul 19, 2023


Added output of related categories in the list of all price lists

Jun 15, 2023


Add price settings

Jun 15, 2023


Add description to services

May 17, 2023


Fixed the need to enter "all" in the "items" property when displaying all categories or services

May 10, 2023


Added the ability to output an array of bread crumbs for categories and services

May 10, 2023


Created table yamobile_services_price

May 10, 2023


Add sorting for categories and services

May 10, 2023


Fixed the error of displaying a record with an incorrect category_slug

May 10, 2023


Added the ability to hide records

May 10, 2023


Fixed a bug when creating a service and selecting categories

May 10, 2023


Rename name file and class for services and sub-services

May 10, 2023


Added English localisation for plugin

May 10, 2023


Added output of a detailed page of records

May 10, 2023


Structuring the fields of the record creation form

May 10, 2023


Added display lists categories and sub-categories

May 10, 2023


Added components for display categories and sub-category on the template

May 10, 2023


Changed the display of images in the list of categories and sub-categories

May 10, 2023


Added the ability to link sub-categories to categories

May 10, 2023


Added plugin menu display

May 10, 2023


Initialize plugin.

May 10, 2023