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Simple plugin for database and themes backup - both manual and automatic.

Easy to use with many options for customize backup process:

  • custom backups folder
  • option to automate dabatase and/or theme backups
  • clean up process of old backup files
  • list of existing backups with option to download them right from the Backend

More info can be found in the documentation.

You can change options, manually backup datase and download backup files.

Small Backup

Simple backup for database (MySQL, SQLite) and active theme


GitHub clone into /plugins dir:

git clone https://github.com/webula-cz/smallbackup

OctoberCMS backend (OC1)

Just look for 'Small Backup' in search field in:

Settings > Updates & Plugins > Install plugins


Settings > Administrators

You can set permissions to restrict access in Settings > Small plugins > Small Backup.

Installation with composer

  • Edit composer.json by adding new repository
    "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": "https://github.com/webula-cz/smallbackup"
  • run in command line
    composer require webula/smallbackup


  • Default backups folder storage/app/uploads/protected/backup
  • Default cleanup interval 7 days

You can download created backups from plugin Settings tabs Database and Theme or you can get it directly from backup folder (eg. with FTP).

How to make backups

Automatic backup (with scheduler)

Must be allowed in plugin's Settings!

There are default scheduler jobs for database and active theme to be backed up once a day.

See October CMS docs about scheduling jobs.

Automatic backup (without scheduler)

If you cannot run Cron command directly on your server/hosting, you can create custom CMS page like this:

title = "artisan"
url = "/artisan/schedule"
is_hidden = 0
    function onStart()
        wsb_backup_db($once = false, $connectionName = null,$noCleanup = false);
        wsb_backup_theme($once = false, $themeName = null, $noCleanup = false);

Manual backup

You can create manual backup in plugin's Settings by clicking button Backup now on Database or Theme tab.

Console commands

There are console commands ready:

  • php artisan smallbackup:db [connectionName] [--no-cleanup] [--once] (connectionName is optional and respect config/database.php settings)

  • php artisan smallbackup:theme [themeName] [--no-cleanup] [--once] (themeName is optional and can be any folder name in themes/)

Our thanks goes to:
OctoberCMS team members and supporters for this great system.
Brooke Cagle for his photo.
Font Awesome for nice icons.

Created by Webula in Czech Republic.


Added chinese lang (thanks @ZhiweiWu0425)

Mar 05, 2024


Scheduler workaround because of disabled proc_open

Jan 30, 2024


Added Doctrine 3.0 support

Jan 28, 2024


Fine tuned TAR support

Apr 17, 2023


TAR archives support with compression for Backup CMS Storage

Apr 11, 2023


Fixed support for OC v3

Mar 08, 2023


New feature: Backup CMS storage

Mar 08, 2023


Modify code for PHP 7.2 support

Feb 27, 2023


Fix composer command in readme

Oct 02, 2022


Updated DB type mapping

Sep 28, 2022


Added option to override DB type mapping

Sep 28, 2022


Fixed flash message content

Sep 08, 2022


First version of SmallBackup

Sep 02, 2022