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Provides the rendering of structured data on your October CMS powered website.

What is structured data?

Structured data is code in a specific format, written in such a way that search engines understand it. Search engines read the code and use it to display search results in a specific and much richer way. You can easily put this piece of code on your website.

There are all kinds of structured data. Structured data is always a code format. There’s structured data for books, for reviews, for movies, and for products in your online store, for instance. In all cases, structured data adds more details to your snippet in the search results.

Browse Google’s Search Gallery to see which rich results are powered by structured data.

Source: yoast.com


  • PHP 8.0 or higher
  • October CMS 3.0 or higher


composer require vdlp/oc-schemaorg-plugin


To render structured data from a component you can listen to the Vdlp\SchemaOrg\Classes\Events\FetchStructuredData event.


/** @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher $eventDispatcher */
$eventDispatcher = resolve(\Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher::class);

$eventDispatcher->listen(\Vdlp\SchemaOrg\Classes\Events\FetchStructuredData::class, static function () {
    return \Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema::localBusiness()

Add the vdlpStructuredData component to your page or layout to render the structured data.


If you have issues using this plugin. Please create an issue on GitHub or contact us at [octobercms@vdlp.nl]().


Maintenance update. See CHANGELOG.md for details.

Jun 24, 2022


Minor code and documentation improvements

Jul 13, 2021


Update plugin dependencies

May 28, 2021


Update plugin dependencies

May 28, 2021


First version of Vdlp.SchemaOrg

Dec 02, 2019