Product support

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This plugin is no longer supported or developped. No support will be added, no compatibility can be guaranted. You use it at your own responsibility

Catalog plugin

This is not an e-commerce plugin, there is no orders and payments management. (But you can make payments with PayPal as it's a "per product" method")

Bleeding edge updates !

You can choose between stable versions and test versions of this plugin More info

Next updates :

  • Tags for products

30% of your purchase goes to help fund the October Project !

Products features :

  • A same product can have multiple categories,
  • Ability to create your own custom fields and to apply a default value,
  • Custom fields can be edited for each product,
  • Create custom fields for products groups,
  • Display products outside of the catalogue pages (usefull to display products on a home page for example),
  • Publish / Unpublish products.

Categories features :

  • Manage categories hierarchy and order,
  • Multiple views for displaying categories and ability to create your own,
  • Display subcategories,
  • Set custom title from the component parameters.

Stores features :

  • Display a list of stores,
  • Display details of a store, including the list of products related to this store.
  • Add custom fields to you stores with store groups.

Brands features New in edge update 1.8 :

  • Display a list of brands,
  • Display details of a brand, including related products.
  • Import / Export Brands New in edge update 1.9.0

A little word for the sponsor of this plugin :

"The sponsor for this plugin will be happier if you can donate to clean water." https://donate.charitywater.org/donate

Plugin under development

This plugin can be used as well, but is still in development, so make sure to test it before using it in production.

Why is it a paid plugin ?

The actual price would be used for providing support and future development.

Like this plugin?

If you like this plugin give it a Like. :)


The Catalog plugin for OctoberCMS is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Front product details

Full documentation moved to this dedicated website

Do you want to display products outside of your catalogue pages ?

Use the category filter parameters from the product_list component. Enable the Use Category filter and then choose between displaying all products (by living the filter field empty), or by specifying the slug of the category you want to view the products.

To change front view of categories, edit the Categories component, click on the Render tab and point out the file to use. By default you have two views available :

  • menu_list, which displays a list of categories, for sidebar for example,
  • image_list, which displays a list of thumbs, usefull for displaying sub categories inside a page. You can make you're own view. Save it to the Categories component folder and point out to the name of the file you've created, and voilà.

Display the featured image of a product :

<img src="{{ product.featured_images[0].thumb(300, 300) }}"
    title="{{ product.featured_images[0].title }}"
    alt="{{ product.featured_images[0].description }}">

Display all the featured images :

{% for image in product.featured_images %}
    <img src="{{ image.thumb(300, 300) }}"
         title="{{ image.title }}"
         alt="{{ image.description }}">
{% endfor %}

Display custom fields of a product :

{{ product.custom_field_template_code }}

Example : You've added a size custom field, now you can display just like that :

{{ product.size }}
  • Found the plugin useful on 8 Nov, 2019

    how to display product title on category list (product list) ?

  • author

    Replied on 12 Nov, 2019

    Hi Karen, thank you for purchasing my plugin. Reviews are not intended to make support, socan you use the support section to contact me and I will be very pleased to help you solve your problem. Please go to the plugin page and into the Support page where you can create a new topic.

  • Found the plugin useful on 11 Feb, 2018

    I want to feature products on a Rainlab blog post, using the dynamic category filter all works fine, but if the blog post does not have any products it returns a 404 instead of showing the blog post without products...

  • author

    Replied on 12 Feb, 2018

    This is the review section, please use the support section for support and I will be happy to help you.

  • Found the plugin useful on 9 Feb, 2017

    Excellent Plugin.

    • Easy to select Models for displaying data.
    • Gives the choice of XML and JSON.
    • Many robust features controlling user access to the API.

    • Doesn't have the ability to select fields that have relations and have them in one request. So you are very limited when designing tables that display with the API.

  • Found the plugin useful on 22 Jan, 2016

    So far so good, it has saved me a bunch of time for sure. Author has also been quick on updates and new features when requested from what I've seen. Another plus.

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 Jun, 2015

    I built an eshop in one day with the Catalog plugin!

  • Found the plugin useful on 26 May, 2015

    The documentation is growing, but the idea is excellent. Thanks for save my time.


Added composer json fil to get compliant with OctoberCMS

Nov 30, 2021


Added overwrite for Category meta description inside ProductList component

Nov 30, 2021


Fixed sort_order on products table

Oct 05, 2020


Added product properties

Oct 05, 2020



Oct 05, 2020


Fix default menu tree display

Oct 05, 2020


Fix has active parent to categories

Oct 05, 2020


Add new component to display a list of categories and related products

Nov 09, 2018


Remove unnecessary dump() inside categories component, noticed by @mberizzo

Nov 29, 2017


Add homepage link to the plugin details and translate the name of permission tab, thanks to @gergo85

Jun 20, 2017


Added missing translatable fields

Jun 01, 2017


Added sku codes for products

May 05, 2017


Implemented native October reorder behavior in Categories controller, thanks to @slowpokefarm

Apr 25, 2017


Fixes for product list pagination and images not being deleted from system files when a record is deleted, thanks to @terraform12

Sep 13, 2016


Added customfield array in product details component

Sep 13, 2016


Updating a product's group will now update custom field list, thanks to @Shane for suggesting it

Aug 04, 2016


Fix sort order default value for products, thanks to @Shane for pointing it

Aug 04, 2016


Fix Brand permissions, thanks to @VDLP for pointing it,

May 31, 2016


Remove feed after install

May 30, 2016


Add sort order to products

May 26, 2016


Latvian localization, thanks to @Andris Vasers

May 02, 2016


Russian localization, thanks to @Develop-FM

May 02, 2016


Fix deprecated @ on category reorder

May 02, 2016


Fix bug on feed table at install

Apr 27, 2016


Fix multiple custom fields deletion and translation, thanks to @dolphin

Apr 18, 2016


Fix Product creation when no Brand is selected, thanks to @dolphin

Apr 18, 2016


Fix deprecated @ in stores

Apr 12, 2016


Fix deprecated @, thanks to @alvaro-canepa

Apr 12, 2016


1.11.1 PSR-2 compliant, fixed correct parameter

Apr 05, 2016


Fix hide empty categories, thanks to @alvaro-canepa

Apr 05, 2016


Add Meta fields to Products, Brands and Stores

Mar 14, 2016


Import / Export Products

Feb 10, 2016


Import / Export Brands

Feb 09, 2016


Moved secure urls activation to settings

Feb 09, 2016


Changed icons for Brands and Categories,

Feb 08, 2016


Added Brands with Brand Lst and Brand Details components,

Feb 08, 2016


Added support for Static Pages Menu plugin

Jan 28, 2016


Added links to ProductDetails component, with regular or secure urls,

Jan 22, 2016


Added support for sorting products

Dec 18, 2015


Translation fix -> German is Dutch, thanks to @VDLP

Dec 02, 2015


German translation added + fix in english translation, thanks to @VDLP

Nov 26, 2015


Permissions fixed properly, please verify your settings. Thanks to @Andris Vasers

Nov 09, 2015


Fix for return to product list button link, thanks to @dogiedog

Nov 09, 2015


Selecting render view in categories is now in dropdown mode

Oct 15, 2015


Filters enabled in products and customfields backend

Oct 05, 2015


Fixed missing variable declaration, thanks to @igorblumberg

Oct 02, 2015


Fixed product attributes injection in product details page

Oct 02, 2015


-Invalid history comment-

Oct 02, 2015


Custom fields are now available in Products and Stores lists

Jun 17, 2015


Add custom fields to stores

Jun 15, 2015


Add Stores

May 18, 2015


Add Stores

May 18, 2015


New method for accessing custom fields

Apr 07, 2015


Fix correct display for product count on categories

Apr 03, 2015


Fix proper display for product description

Mar 24, 2015


Changed product description from textarea to richeditor

Mar 24, 2015


Product price and discount validation messages are translatable

Mar 24, 2015


Fix validation for decimal prices and discount

Mar 12, 2015


Fix RC compatibility

Feb 19, 2015


Fix users permissions, Fix paths for RC compatibility

Feb 19, 2015


Added option groups

Feb 18, 2015


New category filter to display products outside the catalog pages

Feb 05, 2015


Remove translatable defaut not found messages from Categories and Product list components

Jan 30, 2015


Fix category param in Product list component

Jan 30, 2015


Changed product price and discount price default values to 0.00

Jan 21, 2015


Remove deprecated idParam

Jan 21, 2015


Change product price and discount price type from integer to decimal

Jan 13, 2015


First version of Catalog

Jan 09, 2015