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Power Blog an OctoberCMS Plugin

For bugs and feature request, please open an issue on the Git Repository

This plugin implements the Quill Editor for your blogging. This delivers a great user experience to users writing blogs, particularly for customers who don't want to learn Markdown.


  • Advanced Quill Editor
  • Detailed Author Component


  1. To install this plugin you have to click on add to project or need to type SureSoftware.PowerBlog in Backend System > updates > install plugin

  2. Once you have installed the plugin, you will need to navigate to your backend > PowerBlog > Convert and convert your blog posts into Power Blogs.

  3. Finally, update the component you are using to display your blog posts to the Power Blog Post component.

The plugin includes two components:

  • Power Blog Post
  • Author Display

Author Fields:

  • Author Name
  • Author Bio
  • Author Avatar
Using the Power Blog components

Using the PowerBlog Post Component

Insert component onto page and add the following code:

{% component 'Post' %}

Using the Author Component

Navigate to Power Blog from the main navigation menu.

Create New Author, save.

In the Blog editor, select the Power Blog tab to assign an author to the post.

Insert component onto page, this must be used with the PowerBlog Posts component:

{% component 'Author' data=Post.post %}

Future Development

  • Comments
  • Revision History
  • Additional Author Fields
  • Integration with Power SEO

Fixed issue with html_content parameter not being set when using onRun

Sep 21, 2020


Changed blog api limit from using Laravel magic method for limit to using input method.

Sep 08, 2020


Added public API endpoint for returning blog post excerpt.

Aug 31, 2020


Fixed dynamic slug linking

Jul 23, 2020


Fixed Author List Component Bug

Jul 23, 2020


Added Authors List and Author Page Display Component

Jul 23, 2020


Fixed blog creation bug

Jan 03, 2020


Fixed importing posts with lists, added list modifiers to editor

Jan 03, 2020


Added author link field

Dec 18, 2019


Increased author bio max length

Dec 18, 2019


Improved blog editor layout

Dec 18, 2019


Fixed converter loading posts bug

Dec 18, 2019


Cleaned up codebase for public release

Dec 16, 2019


Update Posts to add Quill Deltas

Dec 16, 2019


Update Posts Table

Dec 16, 2019


Run Migrations

Dec 16, 2019


First version of PowerBlog

Dec 16, 2019

Upgrade from RainLab.Blog to SureSoftware.PowerBlog (RainLab.Blog must remain installed)

  1. To install this plugin you have to click on add to project or need to type SureSoftware.PowerBlog in Backend System > updates > install plugin

  2. Once you have installed the plugin, you will need to navigate to your backend > PowerBlog > Convert and convert your blog posts into Power Blogs.

  3. Finally, update the component you are using to display your blog posts to the Power Blog Post component.