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With this plugin you get a "Generate Password" button when creating a new backend user. It will create a random secure initial password.

After the backend user is created, an invitation email will be send to the user, that contains his/her username and the password reset link.

Plugin Icon by Chandra Shekhar from the Noun Project


You need an account on octobercms.com to install this plugin.

  1. Sign in and click on the Add to Project button on the product page for the plugin in the marketplace.
  2. Select the project you wish to add the plugin to (or create one).
  3. Make sure you install any 3rd-party plugins this plugin depends on
  4. Make sure you have attached this project to your website in the backend of your website in order to pull in the new plugin (Settings > Updates & Plugins). Don't worry, attaching or detaching your website to a project will never delete anything!
  5. Make sure you allow short_open_tag


The plugin will disable the default invitation email for new backend users and use a custom email template instead.

When creating a new backend user, you can hit the button "Generate password" to generate a random and secure password.

After the user is created, the invitation email will be send to the user. The email contains the users login and the password reset link.

Mail Template

Adjust the mail template by

  1. going to Settings > Mail > Mail templates (/backend/system/mailtemplates)
  2. Click on the template with the code studiobosco.newuserpasswordreset::mail.invite_with_restore
  3. Edit it and save

adds missing "login" variable to email template

Mar 03, 2020


Initialize plugin.

Feb 26, 2020