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  • Added on Jun 8, 2014
  • Current version: 1.1.0
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by
  • Public repository


Blog RSS Feed extends and is therefore dependent on the RainLab Blog plugin.

This plugin creates and updates an RSS xml file at the root of the website: http://www.yoursite.com/rss.xml. It also comes with an optional component that will output an RSS link to the layout/page, but you can link to your RSS file however you like.

Please make sure to update the Site Information and Blog Information settings under System > Settings > Blog > Blog RSS Settings


The github repository for this plugin can be found here. Please feel free to contribute, report bugs or request features!

Site Information Settings

Blog RSS Feed Extension

Blog RSS Feed extends and is therefore dependent on the RainLab Blog plugin.

This plugin creates and updates an rss.xml file for blog posts. It also comes with an RSS Link component. This is optional and was just included for convenience. You can link to the rss.xml file however you want. It is created at http://www.yoursite.com/rss.xml.


  1. Install the plugin itself by either adding it to your project, or going to System > Updates and searching for SoBoRed.Rss
  2. Click System from the main menu of the backend.
  3. In the Settings sub-menu, click on Blog RSS Settings under the Blog section.
  4. Fill out the information under the Site Information and Blog Information tabs.

The Site and Blog information is used during the creation of the RSS xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">

            <title>[Post Title]</title>
            <link>[Link][Post Page]/[Post Slug]</link>
            <guid>[Link][Post Page]/[Post Slug]</guid>
            <pubDate>[Published Date|Format M d, Y]</pubDate>
            <description>[Post Excerpt]</description>


1. Using the optional link component:

  • There should now be a component under the component menu for Link to RSS Feed.
  • Add it to the page or layout just like any other component
  • There are 3 settings for this component:
    • Feed Burner Address - This is the address to the feedburner feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/feed_address. If left blank, the link will just be to your RSS file: http://yourblog.com/rss.xml
    • Default Link Text - This is the default link text. It is used for the RSS link when Icon Class(es) is empty. For example: &lt;a&gt;RSS&lt;/a&gt;.
    • Icon Class(es) - This is the icon class(es). It is used for the RSS link: &lt;a&gt;&lt;i class=&quot;icon icon-rss&quot;&gt;&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/a&gt;. If left blank, the link will just display the default link text.
<a href="{{ feedBurnerAddress ? feedBurnerLink : defaultRssLink }}" target="_blank">
    {% if iconClass %}
        <i class="{{ iconClass }}"></i>
    {% else %}
        {{ defaultText }}
    {% endif %}

2. Or just put whatever you want in your layout/pages :)

The included component is completely optional. It is only included for convenience. You can link to the generated RSS file in any fashion that you want.


If you're using version control for your website, you may want to include the rss.xml file in your .gitignore to keep it separate from the production content.

  • Found the plugin useful on 8 Jun, 2016

    Great and useful plugin but it displays future published posts.

  • author

    Replied on 9 Jun, 2016

    Thanks for the feedback! I'll look into putting a condition to only show published posts as soon as I can.

  • Found the plugin useful on 21 Aug, 2015

    very useful!

  • Found the plugin useful on 2 Jan, 2015

    Does what it tells and I found it useful.


Properly escape post title

Oct 07, 2017


Update to work with new RC version of October.

Mar 03, 2015


Changed having to where to help database type compatibility

Dec 08, 2014


Allows for full post content

Jul 05, 2014


Fixes versioning

Jun 18, 2014


Patch for valid RSS XML

Jun 18, 2014


Updates pubDate to be RFC822

Jun 08, 2014


Makes the rss.xml file update when saving the RSS Feed settings

Jun 08, 2014


Fixed the rss.xml file to update when saving creating or deleting a blog post

Jun 08, 2014


Initialize plugin

Jun 08, 2014