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TickTock! The time is ticking!

This plugin does exactly what you think it does. It displays a text based countdown timer on your website.


A simple yet powerful plugin to display countdowns on your OctoberCMS website.


  • OctoberCMS framework for the Ajax Call: {% framework extras %}
  • jQuery (Tested with 3.2.0, should work with others.)
  • jQuery.Countdown


Drag and drop the Countdown component into your page and set the date property. This property should match the format of a Javascript DateTime object (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS).

You can choose which libraries you would like to load, to prevent duplicate asset loading.

If you want to customise the countdown parameters see the jQuery.Countdown documentation. The date is loaded through an Ajax call onCountdownDate.

    success: function(data){
        $('#countdown').countdown(data.date).on('update.countdown', function(event) {
            // do countdown related things here.

Issues or other problems

Yikes. Found a problem with this plugin? Submit an issue and I'll look at it ASAP. If you fix it yourself and submit a PR I'll send you a cookie.

Want a feature?

Submit a pull request or submit an issue. I will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss if we can work something out.


First version of Rebel59.Countdown

Mar 20, 2017