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Send your OctoberCMS emails throw Postmark

First all, remember to create an account on Postmark, it is required to use Postmark server API token on your platform.
This plugin use coconutcraig/laravel-postmark package as a mail transport for OctoberCMS

Postmark driver for OctoberCMS

Postmark delivers your transactional email to customers on time, every time.


This package install coconutcraig/laravel-postmark as a mail transport for OctoberCMS

First all, create an account on Postmark, it is required to be used on your platform.


From composer:

composer require planetadeleste/postmarkdriver-plugin

From OctoberCMS marketplace

Add plugin to your project

From OctoberCMS command line

php artisan october:install planetadeleste.postmarkdriver


  • In your OctoberCMS, go to "Settings" > "Mail configuration"
  • Select from the mail method "Postmark"
  • Write your Postmark server API token
  • Save and start to use postmark to send your emails

Fix guzzle issue url malformed

Nov 08, 2021


Init plugin

Oct 07, 2021