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Translate Automator
Improves Rainlab Translate by automating the translation of untranslated strings using Google Translate.
Translate Automator
Improves Rainlab Translate by automating the translation of untranslated strings using Google Translate.

Translate backend form fields with a click of a button
Translate backend form fields with a click of a button

RTL backend
RTL backend

Dates & Currencies Localize
Allows to create different formats to display dates and currencies. The formats can be used on the themes or o...
Dates & Currencies Localize
Allows to create different formats to display dates and currencies. The formats can be used on the themes or o...

Multi-lingual SEO & Sitemap
Multi-lingual SEO & Sitemap plugin. It supports CMS Pages, Static Pages and custom models.
Multi-lingual SEO & Sitemap
Multi-lingual SEO & Sitemap plugin. It supports CMS Pages, Static Pages and custom models.

Enables multi-lingual websites and translate website contents.
Enables multi-lingual websites and translate website contents.