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  • Added on Jun 30, 2014
  • Current version: 1.0.10
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


Mey Breadcrumb Plugin

The component is intended to be registered on a layout rather than individual pages. The component will build out an ol of breadcrumbs based on the settings you choose. Available settings on the page are as follows.

  • Hide Breadcrumbs
    • This will stop the breadcrumbs from rendering on a per page basis.
    • Default: "No"
  • Remove From Breadcrumbs
    • This will add the remove the selected page from the breadcrumb list. However the breadcrumb component will still render all children of the current page.
    • Default: "No"
  • Disabled
    • Add a 'disabled' class to the current breadcrumb list item. Also disable the link to the page.
    • Default: "No"
  • Crumb Title (Optional)
    • The title of the breadcrumb entry if different from the page title.
  • Crumb Title From Id (Optional)
    • Set the crumb title text for the page to the value of a particular element id. This is helpful for pages that get their title from some other plugin (Blog for instance) set this field to the value of a unique id on the page which has the value you want to be displayed for the crumb. This overrides both page title, and the crumb title field.
  • Child Of
    • The parent of the current page. This will be the next crumb in the breadcrumb list. Set to "None" to indicated that the page is a root crumb.
    • Default="None".

The are settings that can be altered on the component itself also. These settings change the classes that appear on the component itself. Available settings are as follows.

  • Breadcrumb Class
    • The class of the top level list (ol)
  • Item class
    • The class of the individual breadcrumb items (li)
  • Active class
    • The class of the lowest level ie: current crumb (li)
  • Disabled class
    • The class to be added to the breadcrumb item (li) when it is marked as disabled.
  • Found the plugin useful on 1 May, 2021

    Very nice plugin but current version (1.0.10) not working with octobercms 2.x :-(

  • Found the plugin not useful on 24 Nov, 2019

    Bad solution for huge sites...

  • Found the plugin useful on 10 Jul, 2019

    Simple and easy to use. Awesome! Thanks!

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 Apr, 2019

    Really simple to implement and does what is needed!

  • Found the plugin useful on 19 Dec, 2017

    multi Breadcrumbs help me ?

  • Found the plugin useful on 20 Mar, 2016

    Super easy to use and very useful, thank you for your work!

  • Found the plugin useful on 13 Aug, 2015

    A wonderful and useful plugin, thanks.

  • Found the plugin useful on 2 Jul, 2015

    Was usefull but it's no longer working =( Its producing a 502 server error.

  • Found the plugin useful on 20 Feb, 2015

    Thank you for sharing.

  • Found the plugin useful on 3 Sep, 2014

    Thank you.

  • Found the plugin useful on 18 Jul, 2014

    this is an awesome plugin. thanks.


Fix for compatibility with 286 build.

Jul 29, 2015


Update to be compatible with the latest october build.

Jun 22, 2015


Updated menu to be much more logical. Also gave some more context to he menu dropdown.

Aug 11, 2014


Bug fix for those who use element titles. Now no error will be thrown if the element does not exist on the page.

Jul 30, 2014


Internal updates and bug fixes.

Jul 06, 2014


Update to fix the page sorting issue. Pages now sort alphabetically in the dropdown menu. Also a better icon choice.

Jul 05, 2014


Pages are not sorted by title in the dropdown menu in the breadcrumbs tab.

Jul 05, 2014


Add the option to set the crumb title using a DOM element that lives on the page. This is helpful for pages that use :slug type routing.

Jul 01, 2014


Update how the menu works

Jun 30, 2014


First version of Breadcrumbs

Jun 30, 2014