Provides pre-moderateable comments for your site.
Provides pre-moderateable comments for your site.

Commentable - HTML Comments Extension
Allows comments to be made with a WYSIWYG editor.
Commentable - HTML Comments Extension
Allows comments to be made with a WYSIWYG editor.

Commentable - Ratings Extension
Adds option to submit a rating in comments
Commentable - Ratings Extension
Adds option to submit a rating in comments

Make development easier with IDE helpers!
Make development easier with IDE helpers!

Menu Lists
Create flexible menus straight from October CMS admin
Menu Lists
Create flexible menus straight from October CMS admin

Multi-Factor Authentication
Enables multi-factor authentication through Google Authenticator for backend users.
Multi-Factor Authentication
Enables multi-factor authentication through Google Authenticator for backend users.

Provides a GUI interface for adding site redirects
Provides a GUI interface for adding site redirects

Social Login
Log in with your social media accounts!
Social Login
Log in with your social media accounts!