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User Extended 2.2.00

New in v2.2.00

  • Avatar picker on update page. {% partial 'account::update' %}
  • Closing, Reopening, Suspending, Deleting accounts. (Currently not accessible in the frontend by default)
  • Reset Roles and Groups back to default from the Role Manager
  • Usernames are now unique, and nicknames have been added
  • Friend states now use a bin 2^n storage pattern. This may change to use a DB table in the future.
  • Route restrictions and access tracking
  • Added more field types including, but not limited to: number, color, date, email, password, file, url
  • Now possible to add, change, remove timezones from the application
  • You can now override the relation between two users.
  • The addition of the [Beta] Module Manager. Currently changing settings for a module has no effect.
  • Improved error/success feedback system for Backend and Frontend validation Please see the Module manager in the backend to view a detailed changelog


User Extended provides simple components and User Utility functions for complex interactions with users.

User Extended currently offers friends lists, role management, and User Utilities.



Install this plugin and run

  php artisan october:up


  • Just add the components you require to a page and everything should work out of the box
  • You can create modules to interact with User Extended and other UE modules
  • Use the command: php artisan create:uemodule author.pluginname in order to scaffold a module class for your own plugins.

Check out the bug tracker and feature planner


Feature List

  • Backend Role/Group management
  • Advanced page restriction using groups, roles, users, and IP addresses.
  • Modules can be used to inject user code or develop an user API for your plugin
  • Friends lists. You can send friend requests and block/delete/accept friends
  • User Utility functions which can be used across your own plugins
  • User profiles and a profile comment system
  • User search. Search for users by name, email or username
  • Timezone support! Use the '|timezonify' twig filter.
  • Use the '|relative' twig filter to get a textual relative time stamp (5 seconds ago, 2 months ago)
  • Timezonable trait which can be added to models to automagically convert times
  • Fields for users. Now you can easily add fields for phone numbers, addresses, pin codes, invite numbers etc.

Please see the help directory for more information

Compatible Plugins With Modules

  • User Extended Core [This Plugin]

Planned Features

Check out the feature planner


View our road map

A demo of Timezones


User Extended is not trying to be a social network plugin. We are providing functionality for more complex user functions which have use cases outside of social networks.

Websites specializing in online games, forums, blogs, news etc. can all benefit from User Extended.

Event List

  • [Disabled] clake.ue.preregistration(post &$data) : halted. $data contains registration form data. Returning false will cancel registration.
  • [Disabled] clake.ue.postregistration(UserExtended &$user). $user contains the final user object before saving it and logging out the user to finalize registration.
  • clake.ue.login(User $user). $user contains the user object after authenticating.
  • clake.ue.logout(User $user). $user contains the user object after logging out.
  • clake.ue.settings.create(UserSettingsManager &$instance). After the user settings instance object has been created
  • clake.ue.settings.update(UserSettingsManager &$instance). After the user settings instance object has been created



Use cases

  • User registration
  • Logging in
  • Logging out
  • Changing user settings

Template Data Getters

  • createSettings() Returns a list of dynamic settings which are makred as registerable
  • updateSettings() Returns a list of dynamic settings which are marked as editable
  • user() Returns the user object for the logged in user
  • signUp() Returns whether or not we are using email or username to register


  • onUpdate() Called to update user settings and details
  • onRegister() Called to preform a registration
  • onLogin() Called to authenticate and login a user
  • onLogout() Logs out a user

Usage Examples

To render any of the account feature you will have to manually specify the partial you wish to use.

In the future, this will be integrated into the component inspector.

{% partial 'account::update' %} - User Settings

{% partial 'account::signup' %} - User Registration

{% partial 'account::login' %} - User Login

{% partial 'account::logout' %} - User Logout


Use cases

  • Send friend request
  • Delete friend
  • Block user - Might be moved to a different component
  • Visit profiles
  • Accept friend request
  • Decline friend request
  • Display friends list
  • Display friend requests

Template Data Getters

  • type() : propType Returns whether we want to render a friends list or a friend request list
  • friendsList() : UserCollection Returns a list of a users friends
  • friendRequests() : UserCollection Returns a list of friend requests for the logged in user


  • onDelete(post userId) Removes a friend from the logged in users friends list
  • onBlock(post userId) Blocks a user from the logged in users friends list
  • onVisitProfile(prop profilePage) Redirects to a users profile page
  • onAccept(post userId) Accepts a friend request
  • onDecline(post userId) Declines a friend request
  • onRequest(post userId) Sends a friend request

Usage Examples

  • Add the component to a page and use the inspector to choose an output type.
  • You can also use the AJAX handlers directly if you would like to utilize them in your own plugin.

Current output types:

  • Friends list
  • Friend requests


Use cases

  • Creating a profile page
  • Displaying random users
  • Searching users
  • Displaying a user
  • Sending friend requests
  • Handling user profile comments
  • Visiting user profile

Template Data Getters

  • randomUsers(prop maxItems) : UserCollection Returns a collection of random users who aren't on our friends/block list
  • type() : propType Returns the type of rendering to do: 'random' users, 'single' user, 'search' users, user 'profile' page
  • singleUser(prop paramCode) : UserExtended Returns a user
  • user(prop paramCode) : UserExtended Returns a user object
  • locked(prop paramCode) : bool Returns whether we are a friend or own the profile we are looking at
  • comments(prop paramCode) : CommentsCollection Returns a collection of comments associated with a user
  • roles() : RoleCollection Returns a collection of roles for the logged in user
  • groups() : GroupsCollection Returns a collection of groups for the logged in user
  • userRoles(prop paramCode) : RoleCollection Returns a collection of roles for an arbitrary user
  • userGroups(prop paramCode) : GroupsCollection Returns a collection of groups for an arbitrary user


  • onRequest() Sends a friend request
  • onSearch(post phrase) : PartialRender Searches for users based on a phrase and returns a list of results
  • onFriendUser(prop paramCode) Sends a friend request to a user
  • onComment(prop paramCode, post comment) : PartialRender Creates a new comment and then refreshes the comment list
  • onDeleteComment(post commentid) : PartialRender Deletes a comment and then refreshes the list
  • onVisitProfile($property = null, post id, prop profilePage) : Redirect,false Redirects a user to a profile page if valid

Page Variables

  • groups Collection of a users groups

Usage Examples

  • Add the component to a page and utilize the inspector to choose the output type.
  • You can also use the AJAX handlers directly if you wish.


How to extend UserExtended

If you are writing a plugin and you would like to use functions from UserExtended or provide your own functions, then this is the right place to come.

UserExtended provides two methods of extensibility. The old method is called User Utilities and the new method is called Modules.


Modules are a form of registration which plugins can use to directly interact with other modules as well as UserExtended.

Modules consist of:

  • Meta data: $name, $description, $author, $version
  • Overridden functions: injectComponents(), injectNavigation(), injectLang(), initialize()
  • Extensible functions. While the functions and meta data above are required, extensible functions are entirely up to the module author and can be non existent.

How do I create a Module?

Please use the scaffolding command shipped with UE:

php artisan create:uemodule author.pluginName

author.pluginName is the plugin you wish to create a module for.

What are modules for?

Modules allow plugin authors to form a strict contract for what they would like other plugin authors to be able to manipulate and access with their plugin when it comes to User functions.

As an example, imagine you are writing a forum plugin. It may be useful for you to create a module which can return a users latest activity, a users post history, or user post stats. Rather then having other plugin authors snoop through your code and database tables, you can just create some simple extensible functions in your module and other plugin authors can use those directly.

Okay, so I made a module class, how do I register it?

To register your module, you will have to go into your plugin's plugin.php file and add the line Module::register() inside of the register function.

My module is registered, now how do I use them?

To use a module, you simply use the following syntax anywhere in your plugin. UserExtended::moduleName()->extensibleFunction($params);

The moduleName is the $name meta data defined within a module registration file.

What are module best practices?

The name of a module should be in a format like: authorModuleName as this helps prevent naming conflicts.

What if I want to check if other modules are loaded before providing features? What is this initialize function for?

The initialize function which you override to create a module, is called on each module after all the modules have been registered.

This allows you as a plugin dev to unlock more functionality if various other modules are loaded.

What are the injection functions for?

It allows you to add components, lang, navigation and more in the future to UserExtended!

User Utilities

UserExtended provides a class called UserUtil which has many common User based functions which you may find useful to use in your own plugins.

The long term goal is to move these functions into the UserExtended core module and deprecate User Utilities.


All functions in User Util are declared as static and should be used like UserUtil::function();

Function API

getUsers($value, $property = "name") : UserCollection Preforms a DB query for users with their $property = $value

getUser($value, $property = "id") : UserExtended Preforms a DB query for the first user with their $property = $value

getRainlabUser($value, $property = "id") : User Preforms a DB query for the first user with their $property = $value

getLoggedInUser() : User Returns the Rainlab User model for the logged in user

getLoggedInUsersTimezone() : string Returns the timezone code for the logged in user

getUserTimezone($value, $property = "id") : string Returns the timezone code for a user where their $property = $value

castToRainLabUser(UserExtended $user) : User Preforms a top level cast by transferring only the attributes of the UserExtended object to a User object (Fast)

castToUserExtendedUser($user) : UserExtended Preforms a top level cast by transferring only the attributes of the User object to an UserExtended object (Fast)

convertToUserExtendedUser($user) : UserExtended Preforms a low level conversion by preforming a DB query to populate the UserExtended object (Slow)

searchUsers($phrase) : UserExtendedCollection Searches for users via $phrase. It searches first name, surname, email, and username

getUsersIdElseLoggedInUsersId($userId = null) : int Gets the user ID for the logged in user, if no user is logged in, it returns the passed ID as a fallback

getUserForUserId($userId = null) : UserExtended Returns the UserExtended object for the user ID passed in. If the user ID passed in is null, gets logged in user

idIsLoggedIn($userId) : bool Returns whether or not a passed in ID is the ID of the logged in user

getLoggedInUserExtendedUser() : UserExtended Gets the logged in user object and converts it to an UserExtended user object before returning it

Timezone Trait


  1. Add this trait to a model:

    use Clake\UserExtended\Traits\Timezonable;
  2. Add a protected data member to your model:

    protected $timezonable = [

    This contains model attributes to convert to a users timezone

  3. The trait will automatically convert timezones when using the model attributes specified. Defaults to UTC.

Searchable Trait


  1. Add this trait to a model:

    use Clake\UserExtended\Traits\Searchable;
  2. Add a protected data member to your model:

    protected $searchable = [

    This contains model attributes to search

  3. Utilize the traits search function:

    $results = new Model();
    return $results->search($phrase);
  • Found the plugin useful on 21 May, 2020

    Helo, Thank you for plugin. May i ask you, how can i show new field from Field Manager on backend user detail? Can i use field type textarea?



  • Found the plugin useful on 4 Oct, 2019

    If you see the error

    "SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'json not null, `data` json not null, `flags` json not null, `sort_order` int not' at line 1 (SQL: create table `clake_userextended_fields` (`id` int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, `name` varchar(255) not null default '', `code` varchar(255) not null, `description` text not null, `type` enum('UE_FORM_TEXT', 'UE_FORM_CHECKBOX', 'UE_FORM_COLOR', 'UE_FORM_DATE', 'UE_FORM_EMAIL', 'UE_FORM_FILE', 'UE_FORM_NUMBER', 'UE_FORM_PASSWORD', 'UE_FORM_RADIO', 'UE_FORM_RANGE', 'UE_FORM_TEL', 'UE_FORM_TIME', 'UE_FORM_URL', 'UE_FORM_SWITCH') not null default 'UE_FORM_TEXT', `validation` json not null, `data` json not null, `flags` json not null, `sort_order` int not null default '1', `deleted_at` timestamp null, `created_at` timestamp null, `updated_at` timestamp null) default character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci engine = InnoDB)" on line 664 of /Applications/MAMP/vhosts/bime/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php

    you need update your mariadb server to lastes version.

  • Found the plugin useful on 21 Apr, 2018

    Huge your plugin, but it would be more interesting to be able to customize the add fields, for example to add attributes and the type of fields (textarea, ...)

    thanks to you

  • Found the plugin useful on 26 Feb, 2018

    Hi Shawn, I'm trying to use your plugin, I added fields with the "field manager", but when I go to register a new user it signals me error "" SQLSTATE [42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column " ..for the new fields! where should you record data for new fields? thanks

  • Found the plugin not useful on 14 Feb, 2018

    i have this error :

    "SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'json not null, `data` json not null, `flags` json not null, `sort_order` int not' at line 1 (SQL: create table `clake_userextended_fields` (`id` int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, `name` varchar(255) not null default '', `code` varchar(255) not null, `description` text not null, `type` enum('UE_FORM_TEXT', 'UE_FORM_CHECKBOX', 'UE_FORM_COLOR', 'UE_FORM_DATE', 'UE_FORM_EMAIL', 'UE_FORM_FILE', 'UE_FORM_NUMBER', 'UE_FORM_PASSWORD', 'UE_FORM_RADIO', 'UE_FORM_RANGE', 'UE_FORM_TEL', 'UE_FORM_TIME', 'UE_FORM_URL', 'UE_FORM_SWITCH') not null default 'UE_FORM_TEXT', `validation` json not null, `data` json not null, `flags` json not null, `sort_order` int not null default '1', `deleted_at` timestamp null, `created_at` timestamp null, `updated_at` timestamp null) default character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci engine = InnoDB)" on line 664 of /Applications/MAMP/vhosts/bime/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php

    how fix it ?

  • Found the plugin not useful on 29 Nov, 2017

    Hello! My server setup is PHP 7 and MariaDB 10.1.26. When installing plugin, there is such error:

    Update failed

    "SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'json not null, data json not null, flags json not null, sort_order int not' at line 1 (SQL: create table clake_userextended_fields (id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, name varchar(255) not null default '', code varchar(255) not null, description text not null, type enum('UE_FORM_TEXT', 'UE_FORM_CHECKBOX', 'UE_FORM_COLOR', 'UE_FORM_DATE', 'UE_FORM_EMAIL', 'UE_FORM_FILE', 'UE_FORM_NUMBER', 'UE_FORM_PASSWORD', 'UE_FORM_RADIO', 'UE_FORM_RANGE', 'UE_FORM_TEL', 'UE_FORM_TIME', 'UE_FORM_URL', 'UE_FORM_SWITCH') not null default 'UE_FORM_TEXT', validation json not null, data json not null, flags json not null, sort_order int not null default '1', deleted_at timestamp null, created_at timestamp null, updated_at timestamp null) default character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci engine = InnoDB)" on line 664 of vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php

    Such error goes from MariaDB json field type.

  • Found the plugin useful on 18 Oct, 2017

    Hello, you plugin is awesome, but I get an error when i click on "track another route": "Unable to find configuration file /home/ls2fjo5c/public_html/o/plugins/clake/userextended/models/Route/fields.yaml defined for Backend\Behaviors\FormController." on line 63 of /home/ls2fjo5c/public_html/o/modules/system/traits/ConfigMaker.php Can you help me?

  • Found the plugin useful on 8 Jun, 2017

    I keep getting this error when trying to install this plugin, I'm using SQLite... "SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 Cannot add a NOT NULL column with default value NULL (SQL: alter table "clake_userextended_friends" add column "accepted" tinyint(1) not null)" on line 666 of..."


  • author

    Replied on 8 Jun, 2017

    Hey Thomas, this error was also reported when using MariaDB. You can see that report here: https://github.com/ShawnClake/UserExtended/issues/122

    A temporary fix is to manually add a default to that column of 0 until I release an update which includes this fix.

    Sorry about that, Shawn

  • Found the plugin useful on 27 Apr, 2017

    Help! can not install...

    Update failed
    "SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1101 BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column 'description' can't have a default value (SQL: create table `clake_userextended_fields` (`id` int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, `name` varchar(255) not null default '', `code` varchar(255) not null, `description` text not null default '', `type` enum('UE_FORM_TEXT', 'UE_FORM_CHECKBOX', 'UE_FORM_COLOR', 'UE_FORM_DATE', 'UE_FORM_EMAIL', 'UE_FORM_FILE', 'UE_FORM_NUMBER', 'UE_FORM_PASSWORD', 'UE_FORM_RADIO', 'UE_FORM_RANGE', 'UE_FORM_TEL', 'UE_FORM_TIME', 'UE_FORM_URL', 'UE_FORM_SWITCH') not null default 'UE_FORM_TEXT', `validation` text not null, `data` text not null, `flags` text not null, `sort_order` int not null default '1', `deleted_at` timestamp null, `created_at` timestamp null, `updated_at` timestamp null) default character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci engine = InnoDB)" on line 666 of /home/vagrant/OfficialWebsite/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php

  • author

    Replied on 28 Apr, 2017

    Hey Mike, what database driver are you using? It seems to work with MySQL. I have fixed the code which I suspect was the problem, and it's included in the 2.2.00 update which I just pushed.

    Hopefully this helps and thank you for your review.

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 Apr, 2017

    Hello. your plugin is very useful but how to check if the user have role admin? im using like this but didnot work at all.

    {{ user.groups.id }} ?? im sure i have array from user.groups but how about data in groups it self? how to output it?

  • author

    Replied on 15 Apr, 2017

    Hi Cleostric,

    If the user you want to check is the logged in user, then this is a fairly simple task to accomplish.

    1) Add UserExtended's 'User' component to the page

    2) Use this twig code to output all of the roles the user has:


    In the next release which isn't out yet, an additional function has been added which let's you check for a specific role without returning all of a user's roles


    As a side note, if it's group data you want to output, you can do it by adding the UserExtended's 'User' component to the page and then using this code:


    Hopefully this helps and thanks for the review, Shawn


Fixed some of the backend forms that were giving erros not being able to find the fields.yaml.

May 08, 2019


User Extended Core v2.2.00 Release. 'The Backend Update' adds Route Restrictions, Friend management, comment management, timezone management, and improved field management.

Apr 28, 2017


Started work on the Module Manager. This is being shipped in preparation of 2.3.00

Apr 28, 2017


Added some core settings fields for handing bans and suspensions

Apr 28, 2017


Added created_at, deleted_at, updated_at to UsersGroups

Apr 28, 2017


Added descriptions and cascading to children for route restricitons

Apr 28, 2017


Added a pivot table for route restrictions

Apr 28, 2017


Added additional fields for route resitrctions

Apr 28, 2017


Removed type from routes and replaced it with an enabled flag

Apr 28, 2017


Tweaked route restriction table

Apr 28, 2017


Fixed a JS bug with UE not defined and interact not defined

Apr 20, 2017


Fixed a bug which was causing issues with the Field Manager

Apr 19, 2017


Fixed a bug which was preventing autofilling of custom fields. Oops.

Apr 12, 2017


User Extended Core v2.1.00 Release. Deprecated components and functions have been removed.

Apr 04, 2017


Added integrated users. This is being shipped in preparation for 2.4.00 and 2.5.00

Apr 04, 2017


Added nicknames. This is being shipped now in preparation of 2.2.00

Apr 04, 2017


Completed RoleManager refactor and added drag&drop and pagination

Apr 04, 2017


Created Route Restriction Table. This is being shipped now in preparation of 2.2.00

Apr 04, 2017


Created Routes table. This is being shipped now in preparation of 2.2.00

Apr 04, 2017


Implemented Fields Manager

Apr 04, 2017


Adding relation column to the Friends model. This is being shipped now in preparation of 2.2.00

Apr 04, 2017


Began work on 2.1.00 and creating fields table

Apr 04, 2017


User Extended Core Stable Release. Check your project as many things are now Deprecated and rewritten and will be removed in version 3.0.00

Mar 15, 2017


Fixed undefined offset error

Feb 05, 2017


Fixed non-property error

Feb 05, 2017


Creating role bug fix

Feb 05, 2017


User Extended Beta release. Check your project as many things are now Deprecated and rewritten.

Feb 05, 2017


Add user settings

Feb 05, 2017


Fixed data structures bug

Dec 13, 2016


Bug Fixes

Dec 07, 2016


Initial release of the Role Manager in the backend.

Nov 30, 2016


Added the Timezonable trait. Useful for automatically converting model fields to the logged in users timezone.

Nov 30, 2016


Added a controller for Roles. Check the 'User' tab in the backend.

Nov 30, 2016


Adds a primary id key to the users_groups model

Nov 30, 2016


Removes existing primary keys from Users Groups model

Nov 30, 2016


Adds role to the Users Groups table

Nov 30, 2016


Added Roles as a linear heirarchy under a group.

Nov 30, 2016


Create Roles table

Nov 30, 2016


Seed timezones

Nov 30, 2016


Modified Users table to add a timezone_id column

Nov 30, 2016


Added Timezone table

Nov 30, 2016


Updated User Group Seeder. You may wish to consider to rerun it.

Nov 30, 2016


Added Heirarchal Level to User Groups

Nov 30, 2016


Fixed 'Code Has Already Been Taken' error

Nov 21, 2016


Added delete capabilities for comments and friends

Nov 18, 2016


Added user profile pages

Nov 18, 2016


Added author to comments table

Nov 18, 2016


Add Comments table

Nov 18, 2016


Added user searching

Nov 18, 2016


Add Accepted to Friends table.

Nov 12, 2016


Create the table.

Nov 12, 2016


Seed in basic groups.

Nov 12, 2016

Core Stable Release v2.2.00

With the latest release of User Extended (UE), we added a few DB seeders as well as created and changed some tables. This is the first of 4 feature development releases, but it should still be stable. We decided to go ahead and include two beta features, Routes Manager, and Module Manager. The Module Manager is capable of viewing version notes and documentation, but changing module settings do not actually do anything as of yet. The Routes Manager is working and stable, however, the way some of the whitelist and blacklist rules interact with each other can be confusing and will be cleaned up in the next release.

There are no extra steps you have to take for this release.

Creating modules for User Extended is a great way to promote compatibility between plugins. Please consider creating a module for your plugin, and if you post it on the October marketplace (and it meets expectations), we will feature your plugin on the front page of this plugin.

Core Stable Release v2.1.00

With the latest release of User Extended (UE), we included many DB changes in preparation for the next few releases. Now that the focus on stability, minor improvements, and bug fixing has completed, we are now going to start moving into feature development for releases v2.2.00, v2.3.00, v2.4.00 and v3.0.00

There are no extra steps you have to take for this release.

Many deprecated functions have been removed as well as all of the deprecated components. Please check your project as they may cause issues if you haven't removed the old ones.

Core Stable Release v2.0.00

With the latest release of User Extended (UE), I recommend running php artisan plugin:refresh clake.userextended as I did some work with Table dropping and forming to solve some bugs and problems. However, I did design these changes in such a way that it should be backwards compatible, however, refreshing the plugin will ensure that.

It's also important to note that many functions have been marked as deprecated. In the following release these functions will be removed from the code base. Please check your project if you have used any functions from UE. As well, the components marked deprecated in the beta release, have now been de-registered. For backwards compatibility, you can re-register these functions manually as the code still exists. However, many of these components are now broken because of changes I made to other parts of the code base. In the next release, the old components source code will be removed.

Please see the documentation pages and the Github wiki for more information.