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  • Added on Oct 23, 2019
  • Current version: 1.0.1
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


The plugin allows you to substitute phone number (calltracking), email address (email-tracking) or any other communication channel on the page depending on utm_source parameter. Substitution allows you to accurately determine from what advertising source the visitor contacted your company.

Settings of Phone field in admin panel


The plugin analyzes utm tags and performs the substitution of the corresponding values in the specified places on the website. Functionality is usually used to analyze advertising channels in CRM-systems.


In backend panel you can create a field with unique code and list of values, each of which is connected with particular utm_source value. Every field also has a default value.

You have several ways to get tracking-field values:

In php code:


Markup function in the template:

{{ utmTracker(‘phone’) }}

For example, you have a link with phone in the head section:

<a href="tel:+xxxxxxxxx">Please, call us!</a>

You can use markup:

<a href="tel:{{ utmTracker(‘phone’) }}">Please, call us!</a>

In this case, the visitor will see exactly those phone number, which is configured for his utm_source parameter.
The same thing you can do with email and any other connecting channel on your website.


Plugin has configurable permissions for editing tracking fields and values.


The plugin supports russian localization.
The plugin uses UTM Saver plugin to save utm-parameters in cookies.


Initialize plugin.

Oct 23, 2019